Abi's Qualifying Week

OK, at 9am it was the 10 hour point, at the 12 hour point (now) the nitrites are now a faint 0.25.
And the pH didn't stall again I guess?

Now that its moving again, it will be interesting to see if its zeros tomorrow.

I assume ammonia was dropping to zero within 12 hours on the other days (the 8 days while nitrite was only dropping to 0.50ppm each time) and so you were adding 5ppm more ammonia at your 24 hour mark, right?

Not 5, 4. It's been fine til now, hopefully nil tomorrow.
30 minutes ahead of testing time:
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - 0.50/1 (BETWEEN THE TWO)


30 minutes on...
nitrites - 0.50.

AGAIN, :crazy:
sorry i called the blip wrong Abi! i guess this is why we do the qualifying week eh, better to happen now than with fish in.

is your pH holding steady now?
Not checked pH since.
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - 0

I can't be here now as family emergency dictates I get on a train within the hour, my boyf is gonna be trembling when he comes home to find prefilled test tubes of ammonia to put into the tank!!

Just gonna get him to dose the tank at 9pm every day (every 24 hours) til I get back on Monday. Gerrrrreat. NOT.
sorry about the family emergency but glad you've got the double zero's back.

if your boyfriend gets stressed or confused he can always come on here and we'll talk him through whatever needs to happen.
Sorry about your emergency, but, like Miss Wiggle, glad you got double zeroes again!
So in the five days he has been dosing the tank with ammonia the readings are still double negative, going to be a few days til I can return and actually get any fish, bah!!!
but good news it's still holding steady at 00 :good:
Back home, Peter has done a great job in not killing the tank - I've changed approx 90% of the water and yet nitrates are at least 40-80? Erm....? We've had 10 days plus of clear results so more than ready! Need to buy a new siphon and try and vac' the gravel, maybe that will shift the nitrates!
I'd imagine you don't have much dirt in the gravel yet, but you never know. Congrats on getting through the week!

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