Aandtsociety Wrasse Species Collecting Trip


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2009
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These are a few pics of the wrasse trip recently.

There are a couple of the leopard wrasse (Macropharyngodon meleagris), both the juvenile and the adult that went into one of the clubbies tank.

Than there is a very nice comb wrasse (coris picta), it and a couple of others went into another clubbies tank.

The china wrasse (anampses neoguinaicus ) and the forcipiger and anthias went to Paul and the others.i forget,but the clubbies always love them.

These were a lot of work as wrasses are not an easy fish to catch; you would be better off using a cast net for them.

There was a nice feather star,kehole angel,anthias and a fifty-fifty chromis caught as well.

These chromis can do quite well in a schooling situation in the aquarium and once there is more than one the colours can be very nice that they display.

The chromis,feahter star and the forcipiger are the best reef safe ones this time,the others were more suited to a non delicate invert system.

oh and the regular non camera shy turtle.

Over all we had a great day once again.










Wow nice fish :good:
Where abouts do these colections take place?
And how do you go about catching them as I find this topic very interesting.

We go from the sunshine coast down, the islands, to near the border for our trips.

The club has been doing these trips since it formed in 1926 as a marines and freshwater aquarium society.

The club used to have near on thirty boat owners in it, so the trips were huge.

The last trip was supposed to be a boat trip, than a shore snorkel, than conditions suited an island trip, so the day before a decision is made and we message all that have committed to the trip as to where it will be and off we go.

A lot of checking is involved to get the best results for all on the day.

The last trip will be out of the registered members section in a week or two as there are two more trips to go before it is out there for all to have a look at.

It is one of the two best trips we have had in many years, nothing could be faulted, except a little shark attack.

A small bull shark wanted to have a bite and it got a few punches in the head for the couple of small cuts it inflicted, hence the advice to all clubbies, never go in the water with out a full length wetsuit, thick or thin!!

The days are planned; the spot is always up in the air until we have checked conditions the day before.

We had a trip on for tomorrow but most of the life on the inshore areas were just wiped out by some very bad conditions and major flooding that will have lowered the salinity to the degree that billions of life forms will have been lost where we normally go for collecting.

It has happened three times like this in the last 30 years, that I have been doing this anyway, all corals,fish the lot, bar only the brackish species are all being wiped out as I type.
There is a pic of a park in flood in our area in the thread due out in a couple of weeks that was taken three days after the big trip, it has never flooded there in the 18 years we have lived here, we stand to loose a great deal of our inshore life forms.

Just 10 mins from here are stag horn corals, plate corals, xenia, heaps of varied acroporas, probably none will survive the floods we are having.
Very sad.
Oh right cool :good:
If only I could afford a trip to Australia as I would love to join you guys on one of those trips!


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