Aandtsociety Reef Species Collecting Trips For February


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2009
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Hi all you marine keepers, just a little more showing off our club trips.
Firstly some photos of some of the species we caught in these February trips, four trips all up.
One was a boat trip and three were to different spots down the gold coast.
There are one or two videos the spearo’s among us will drool about.
On one trip we got nothing as no one wanted any thing, than when we had the last club meeting and the clubbies saw what was there on the video, that was it, everyone said what they wanted and we had several car loads of clubbies ready to have a ball.
The boat trip had only three on board which was a shame as Dave’s boat takes seven legally and conditions were very good, the video of the medium sized semi angel fish was in 12 metres as was the tube worms and the whaler shark was at nearly 18 metres, from this trip and there are more from this trip and the others but just have a look if you want.
There is a pic of the smooth water at the back of the boat as we go along, than a couple of semi angelfish and some lion fishes, etc, from other trips in feb.
We all got heaps, mainly for Marks swimming pool tank and his new five foot tanks that have just been put on the same system as the swimming pool, it’s huge!
The banner fish should look great as they are all going in the same tank at Marks, similar to Danny’s school of banners in his 6 foot tank.
We hope you enjoy the pics and videos.
sorry to kill peoples attitudes etc, but i think catching native fish is wrong, thats how they become extinct etc, when there are some perfectly good enough captive bred fish. it kills me to see this happening
Dont you need permits and such like to take fish from their natural habitat in Qld.
No,you can collect here,just stck to the local laws and they are very fair.

NSW has easier going laws,you can collect far easier and with scuba as well down there.

It would be good to ban all marines collected,both private and comercialy and only have captive bred that are avaliable.

The few species captive bred that are avaliable would be enough,though there would be a lot of marine keepers with the same fish,oh well.

Breeding corals is another reason to ban wild caught marine species,as they are very easy to breed and would never run out of course,so they could be left in the ocean as well.

From the latest scientific data on acidity and PH,nemos sense of smell will be gone soon and not be able to find a home and the tropical ocean areas are dead in 20 to 30 years anyway,so lets leave them alone to dissapear quietly.

Most of the fish found here are in most oceans.There are very few natives.
I also agree with trucka, there's so many places you can buy these fish from that are bred in captivity instead. I thought you were just taking photos of these fish and not actually keeping them. Also I thought if you have fish that are from the wild then they don't live as long as tank bred species.

Sorry I'm not meaning to moan on, I love the photos you get but it's horrible to see these taken from their homes!
Jeez pk
I was snorkeling just off Southport, (manmade island) breakwater rocks
The amount of fishlife was stunning even though they were just rocks to stop Surfers from flooding.
Didn't know you could just bring them home surely not

ummm aren't most of the fish we keep wild caught?

Just a thought.

ummm aren't most of the fish we keep wild caught?

I guess I should make that "marine" fish :)
alot of species are tank bred now
but some species are caught from wild for their colours, which Really gets to me

I do understand your point but we wouldn't be where we are today with the breeding of these fish/aquatic animals if they weren't taken from the wild in the first place. I agree that some should just be left in the ocean, but if we as a hobbyist can, catch, keep and try breeding them ourselves then I'm all for that. We may not the species out in the ocean in years from now due to changing environments. I believe it's the average hobbyist that tinkers around and figures out what works more than the scientists.

Now I know that pkc didn't say anything about breeding them.

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