

Fish Fanatic
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
South Lanarkshire, Scotland
My cycle was finished around a week ago, i waited the 7 qualifying days of 12 hourly double zeros and did an 100% water change.

I replaced one of the filter pads (the one that i used to seed my filter, it was almost black with gunge). I now realise that this must have been a big mistake as i now have a tank of fish and i'm getting ammonia.

I did a 60% water change on monday and now i'll need to do another tomorrow to keep the ammonia down, nightmare!!

I waited patiently during the fishless cycle and now i feel it was all for nothing!! :(
It shouldn't take long for the other bacteria to catch up, no longer than 7-10 days I would of though.
Thanks for that, i really hope not it's really hard work changing so much water so often! My back still hurts from last time lol!!

I panicked when i saw the ammonia, hopefully all will be fine, i have 12 platy fry at the mo, wouldn't wanna lose them :)
My cycle was finished around a week ago, i waited the 7 qualifying days of 12 hourly double zeros and did an 100% water change.

I replaced one of the filter pads (the one that i used to seed my filter, it was almost black with gunge). I now realise that this must have been a big mistake as i now have a tank of fish and i'm getting ammonia.

I did a 60% water change on monday and now i'll need to do another tomorrow to keep the ammonia down, nightmare!!

I waited patiently during the fishless cycle and now i feel it was all for nothing!! :(

How many fish did you add? If you added a lot, all the extra waste could've produced an ammonia spike. Just test daily and do more water changes and it will sort itself out.
Was that enough to drop it below 0.25ppm, or do you still have too much ammonia? My guess is that it is still too high. A 60% change from 1ppm would drop it to about 0.4ppm, assuming that the fresh water has 0ppm.

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