I have had some success regarding- http/www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/433768-fair-ground-fish/
I wrote quite an articulate, polite and well present email to many people out lining the proper way to keep gold fish, the legislation regarding using fish as prizes and also a slight threat to report them to the local paper letting them know that the carnival and council think animal crulety is ok as long as there's profit.
I must of touched a heart string some where as I received an email from the council pointing me to the right people to speak to. I didn't think id get a response so quickly but I did this morning it basically said that the fair is an external fair that they hire and they are sorry that I would think they would allow animal cruelty and after viewing the photos and speaking to the council they are not going to use gold fish as prizes at Prestwich fair in the future.
Hopefully the demand for goldfish at fairs will deminish to the point that there are no more goldfish prizes. Feeling quite chuffed with myself thanks to Star4, ch4rlie and Shelster for your help
I have had some success regarding- http/www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/433768-fair-ground-fish/
I wrote quite an articulate, polite and well present email to many people out lining the proper way to keep gold fish, the legislation regarding using fish as prizes and also a slight threat to report them to the local paper letting them know that the carnival and council think animal crulety is ok as long as there's profit.
I must of touched a heart string some where as I received an email from the council pointing me to the right people to speak to. I didn't think id get a response so quickly but I did this morning it basically said that the fair is an external fair that they hire and they are sorry that I would think they would allow animal cruelty and after viewing the photos and speaking to the council they are not going to use gold fish as prizes at Prestwich fair in the future.
Hopefully the demand for goldfish at fairs will deminish to the point that there are no more goldfish prizes. Feeling quite chuffed with myself thanks to Star4, ch4rlie and Shelster for your help