A very juvenile Figure 8 Puffer


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
West Lafayette, IN (Purdue University)
Hey everyone I just got a fig 8 puffer from my lfs and hes is pretty small! He's not the average size that I usually see there. And my question is...he is very hyper right now. :D Is this just him being still a kid? He flies around the tank and up and down the sides..is this anything to worry about?
Nope, sounds like normal behavior for the juvies (and some of the adults as well). Congrats on the new addition.
I find that many puffers will curl up for a multiple of reasons, defense, sleeping, stalking prey, illness, etc. I would keep an eye on the frequency of the curling behavior before worring about it...he may just be practicing his stalking moves.
When you say "scratching at their gills" do you mean rubbing on rocks/bottom (flashing)? If it is a constant behavior it usually indicates a parasite of some sort (usually Ick).

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