A Trip To Hong Kong


Fish Fanatic
Nov 30, 2009
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Plymouth, UK
So over the last 2 weeks I have been on a University field trip to Hong Kong and the New Territories, I thought some of you here who have not seen the fish markets in Kowloon might be interested. These pictures were taken in Kowloon tropical fish market at about 10pm. It was probably about 20 degrees centigrade and they were just packing up for the night.

This is not a whine thread about the treatment of these fish, it is a different culture and way of life so please don't Hijack.

This 1st photo is Nathan Road, one of the main roads in Kowloon, the tropical fish market was just off this road.


Some of the Marine fish available, most of them around £30-£50


The fish are kept like this all day and put into a tank at night (to my knowledge)



Some yellow labs, think it was about £5.70 for the three of them


A tank of arowana



Some tin foil barbs about £3 each


Oscars and arowana


These photos were taken in a small fishing village. These fish are for eating, they had a lot of live fish and the speciality dried fish.



A dried shark, fins still in tact surprisingly!

wow ... very different culture indeed...

prices sound quite expensive for hong kong. dont suppose you know if keeping pet fishes is a big thing in hong kong.
some cool pics.. (but not so cool living conditions but that can be another thread)
Ive seen stuff like that before, totally agree its just so different there, its just no comparison. My trip to china last year is what made me want to get a tank again after I saw a really big giant gourami at a KTV bar didnt get chance to see a fish market though, wish I had. Closest thing I saw was a puppy stall in a market (for pets before anyone says anything) and they were pretty happy in their little pen.

Thanks for sharing, looks like you had a great trip....
I wonder if there are lots of lose's over the period of a day,esp being bagged like that, its not flaming just intrested..I have seen similar conditions to those tanks in colombia...one thing suprised me is the prices you put up, thought they were alot cheaper out there than the uk, seems on par with my lfs prices
looks verry different cool pics
funny to see they keep asian arowana with silver arowana, very different to here indeed!
prices seem more expensive than here, well in my lfs anyway, but good to see the comparisons in different countries!
From what I understand, fishkeeping is a very popular hobby in certain parts of Asia. The stores must have a big turnover to be able to go to the trouble to bag fish ahead of time. The tanks in your pictures look clean and certainly aren't stocked with the intention of keeping the fish for long.

Thanks for showing us your pics, jbeechey. You must have had a wonderful trip. :kewlpics:
amazing thanks for posting. quite alarming the fact they bag them up.

imagine a lfs in this country doing that it'd be all over the national press!

pets at home, i take it all back:)
Thanks for sharing, looks like you had a great trip....
I wonder if there are lots of lose's over the period of a day,esp being bagged like that, its not flaming just intrested..I have seen similar conditions to those tanks in colombia...one thing suprised me is the prices you put up, thought they were alot cheaper out there than the uk, seems on par with my lfs prices

amazing thanks for posting. quite alarming the fact they bag them up.

imagine a lfs in this country doing that it'd be all over the national press!

pets at home, i take it all back:)

The fish in those tanks and bags seem a lot healthier than the fish I see in many chainstores. They must be doing something right if they are capable of bagging the fish in advance and selling them as is. Think of how much time they save by doing that too.
Fantatstic pictures and a great insight in to another countries way of selling fish. I wonder if the buyers are as conscious as we are when stocking our tanks.
funny to see they keep asian arowana with silver arowana, very different to here indeed!
prices seem more expensive than here, well in my lfs anyway, but good to see the comparisons in different countries!

I think genrally you can get slightly more and slightly bigger fish for your money but no its not especially cheap, there was however a huge range of fish, more than I have ever seen in a fish shop here.

From what I understand, fishkeeping is a very popular hobby in certain parts of Asia. The stores must have a big turnover to be able to go to the trouble to bag fish ahead of time. The tanks in your pictures look clean and certainly aren't stocked with the intention of keeping the fish for long.

Thanks for showing us your pics, jbeechey. You must have had a wonderful trip. :kewlpics:

This was just one of the shops on the street, there were 20-30 more doing the same thing, but then it is one of the most densely populated places in the world.

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