A Tiny Little Cory Story


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
A few months ago, I had put 1 C. agassizii and 2 C. schwartzi (all babies) in one of my 10 gallons to grow nice and big and strong. :flex: And they did. But as I was looking at them tonight, I realized just how much bigger they have actually become, and I realized they were greatly compromised in swimming room (the C. agassizii alone is a little over 2.5 inches). So I took the three of them out of the 10 gallon and added them all at once to my 29 gallon. At first the poor little guys just sat there in a tiny little huddle, not moving. But then my already existing group of 5 Corys (2 C. leucomelas, 1 C. lamberti, and 2 C. aeneus) came swimming over and sat with the newbies for a few moments...and then they suddenly all swam off together. :wub: Now they swim in a colorful school of 8 and honestly I have never seen anything so precious in my life. I thought the school of 5 was cute, but this is just something to see. They are playing and chasing and cuddling each other, and I am just so thrilled that the 3 new guys are being accepted so well. :wub:

Never again will I put less than 8 Corys together...ever. I can't wait till I can add my 3 C. arcuatus to the group (they are just waaaay too small at the moment and I would never see them). :wub:

So thats my Cory story. :D Anyone else want to share their stories? :wub:
Aww, that's so cute! :wub:

My story isn't as good. :p I bought two otos from the lfs, and one grew really quickly. The other just sat in a corner of the tank and wouldn't eat algae (I thought it was because his "sucker" hadn't developed yet :lol:). I started feeding more so the smaller one could have a chance to eat and grow.

After a few months, he still wasn't growing and I had no idea why. One day, I saw a picture of one of rain-'s pygmy corys, and realised that one of my otos was actually a cory. :rolleyes:

None of the lfs around here carry pygmy corys, but he little guy has since found some friends: the trio of white clouds in the tank. He swims along with them all day. :wub:
i know what u mean!...i love my school of 13 cories :p

esp. my 8 sterbais..hmmm :rolleyes: lemme check up on them..at 3am :lol:
I have a little Cory Story that I hope will develop!!!! :p

Being very new to the hobby I first put some danios and platys into the tank and to cut a long story short left them a couple of months to develop filter etc. :zz

Then I went into LFS and seen the greatest mob of corys I had ever seen together and that was it............ALL FORMS OF PLECS AND CATFISH WERE MY IDEAL FISH!!!

The little corys made me so happy :*)

I waited for water parameters to reach safe levels and added 2 corys last week, they struggled to get to grips with feeding at first but now they :wub: the frozen bloodworm I use and are getting on really well.

More corys going in tomorrow, so the clan will probably be up to 4-5!!!

Aren't catfish the greatest :cool:
I tell this story aaaaaall the time, but...:D

I had a 2-3" albino aeneus and I got some new pandas to keep her company as she only had one other cory friend.

I added the three 1/4 - 1/2" panda cories and they immediately went over to her and followed her around like a string of ducklings behind a mother duck! Precious beyond belief. :D they carried that on for about a week :D
I had 2 pandas and I got 3 more. They were so cute. They'd sit all together in the shade under my piece of bogwood. Suddenly, one would move and resettle a little ways away and then one by one the others would all do the same - it looked like they were playing leapfrog or something :wub:

When I got my first 3 trilineatus, they used to spend ALL day EVERY day playing tag up and down the sides of my tank :wub:

I just love my cories!
Heehee, thats too cute, parker313. :wub: Thanks Sasha. :wub:

Came home today, to find all 8 of the Corys sitting in a perfectly straight line right up front in the tank. It was so cute, like they were waiting for me to come home to greet me or something. :wub:
After I first got my little baby peppered cories and had acclimated them to my tank water, they went straight to the bottom of the tank, lined up in a line and scouted out the entire perimeter of the tank. Next, they "criss-crossed" the tank like a little pack of bloodhounds. What really gets me though is how they wag their whole bodies instead of just their tails. They look like little speckled puppies playing when they are foraging for a snack. :wub:
Aww, thats so cute! I love it when they wiggle their whole bodies. :wub:

Unfortunately I can't get Peppered Corys around here for some reason. :/ I think they are adorable, but no one sells them. :sad:
I LOVE my cories (1 C. Haroldschultzi, 2 C. Aeneus). :wub:

We had a C. trilineatus, but she just died. I was very sad. :-(

I want to get more cories, but our tank doesn't have enough bottom space. So I've decided that next tank will be THE cory tank! :D
Aww so nice! Well Here is mine!

I had two Green-Gold cories together in my 20gallon. When a dragon fish I bought at the lfs brought ich to my tank it killed one of my green-gold cories. The other one was still alive and sat next to the dead oen untill I came home and scooped him out. They are usually so outgoing but now the lonley cory hid in the castle never even coming out for food. I started to worry about my depressed cory and quickly bought a Skunk cory. Well they clashed and stayed at oposit ends of the tank. Then I got another Skunk cory who quickly grouped with the other. Slowly the two made there way to teh green-gold cory and nwo they are a happy swimming group of 3.

Ah thats my story! Great story though!
heres my cory story.(and yes they are the sweetest little things)
when my 20 gallon aquarium was ready for my cories i put them in the bag and when they saw their new home they immediately started chasing the mollies and playing tag with the mollies.they didn't understand why the big black fish kept on swimming away from them.
to me cories are THE PERFECT FISHfor a aquarium.
they are eating their thanksgiving breakfast right now.
balloon molly said:
heres my cory story.(and yes they are the sweetest little things)
when my 20 gallon aquarium was ready for my cories i put them in the bag and when they saw their new home they immediately started chasing the mollies and playing tag with the mollies.they didn't understand why the big black fish kept on swimming away from them.
to me cories are THE PERFECT FISHfor a aquarium.
they are eating their thanksgiving breakfast right now.
I Just wanted to make a ntoe about blood worms...Blood worms will kill guppies, don't feed them to your guppies!

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