A "thankyou" Add-on To The Forum Would Be Nice.

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Not just parcels though, but help on the forum with replys. Two people who spring to mind are The-Wolf and Wilder, especially in the fish emergency forum, where as other people in other sections help more in certain sections.
I'd like to think when ever some one has helped me i always thank them in my reply after they've helped.
How much stuff do you send Miagi, your post was a discrace for such a well established TFF member. I expect people to have a balanced view and don`t expect my ideas to be flamed down.

LOL, I actually have sent plants before. 3 times in fact. And I have only asked for postage (and got paid less than hat I spent because of paypal fees). Im in Australia, where laws prevent the trade and mailing of most aquatic plant species interstate. I have also been discussing meeting a member on a different board at my University to save him paying postage. I also have been involved in several marine deals and sales on another board.

My post was not a disgrace, it was based on my opinion. Maybe I should have kept it to myself seeing how you have reacted, but what do you expect on a public forum? You expect a response from people for and against the idea. Dont expect all replies to be "rosie". Why does it matter about being a "well established member"? A moderator posted here, even if a newbie posted here, thier opinion should be heard, and you should accept them for what they are. some of my previous ideas have failed here, and I sure didnt send of hasty PM's telling them to keep opened minds LOL!

I didn `t come on here for sarcy comments mate!
When you start to get posts like this, http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=138987 where people are just expecting, it would be nice to see a little gratitude and thanks for your time and effort!

Yes, it is nice to see fellow members help each other out. I mentioned that in my previous post. I believe youve taken my comments way beyond the context of what I meant, because I surely didnt mean to upset you like I clearly have. Grattitude is nice, and you should recieve a warm thanks anyway from those who recieve plants from you. I was mearly stating, you shouldnt need "conformation" of your good "deeds" like you propose onan open form for reasons I posted previsouly.

If i am being honest, i got the idea from a highly respected planted tank forum and thought it would be a wonderful idea or here! Hummmm..


Good on them, but you asked here, and I disagreed. There are many discussions on this forum daily, where members disagree. This is one of them, along with Arfies thread in this forum, Im sure he didnt shoot off PM's. I disagreee with your idea. No need to send me a PM telling me to keep and open mind. Accept opthers opinions. I wasnt trying to be rude, nor slander, or make sarcy commets I hope you realise, and many members here, who know me will tell you thats far from my normal persona. ;)
It would be interesting to see how much money Mr Miagin himseld has contributed to William and the website :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

None. I own my own forum. You do it for the love of your chosen niche. I do not expect donations, nor do I think William should be intitled too any from me. It is after all, a free forum, which is made open to the public.

This is not about how much money I have dontated, and your proving to be very childish asking those questions. Im quite hapy to say I havnt dnated any, but like my other suggestions, note, I have made a couple of fish profiles (and plan to continue to add them), made one pinned topic in the Marine Nano section, pinned by SH, and have contributed with over 2000 posts.

I too am a student at university. At the time of that last upgrade, I had no paypal account either. Nor did paypal have an Australian paypal verison until recently. Nor did they accept my AMEX card. Dont go around making silly comments like that.

I never asked how much money you had donated, i just made a suggestion as to a possible way you could contribute.

Mate, you really took offence to another opinion. Time to take sme deep breaths. WHo is making those "sarky" comments now? :blink: Should I send you a PM now? :fun: Sorry you were so offended by my previous posts.
I don't see why you ''deserve credit'' for sending someone something.. You're no better then anyone else on the forum just because you sent someone something, and you don't deserve any special treatment for doing so.

Sure it's nice to send people things for free, but most people that do it, do it because they want to, not to get special recognition.
I don't see why you ''deserve credit'' for sending someone something.. You're no better then anyone else on the forum just because you sent someone something, and you don't deserve any special treatment for doing so.

When the hell did i say that people who sent stuff was better.

FFS, the post has been ripped into crap by post like one above.



vancouver..thanks for contributing :lol: :lol:
Would the easiest thing not be to ask, on the post or PM where the item is advertised, for people to reply with thanks, or to give the sender an update??

Sure, this shouldn't have to be done, but in the same way that you shouldn't have to turn the lights off aftersome one, or have to tidy up after someone else.
Most people would do what they have to for an easy life and this may mean not thanking someone unless they are prompted.

The way I see it there are several reasons for wanting this.
One, you can use it gauge the honesty and of a seller and the quality of their goods
Two, its a self appriciation thing (like aiming for a high post count)

The first can be verified by looking at earlier posts, peoples comments and sending quick PM's if anything needs to be checked.
The second, there isn't really a cure for - the warm, rosy glow of helping another TFF member should be enough!? ;-)

In terms of thanking people for advice and comments, rather than products, a lot of people do agree or confirm where someone offers advice. If I can, I try too, as personally I like to get information from as may different sources as I can.

In conclusion, there are ways and means of getting what is proposed done, already here!

EDIT - this post is getting close to turning into a rant and a slanging match - There are a lot of emotions running high. I would add though that quite a few posts may have been taken the wrong way and I think its worth noting that the posters aren't the kind of people who would do that intentionally.
YES? ??? im looking for recognition of thanks, reliability and quality of goods....

another good post vancoover... thansk for contributing :p :p

EDIT - this post is getting close to turning into a rant and a slanging match - There are a lot of emotions running high. I would add though that quite a few posts may have been taken the wrong way and I think its worth noting that the posters aren't the kind of people who would do that intentionally

maybe....just a lot of careless posts...! i agree..
I was going to try an post here how it would be open to abuse and would need more moderator time than a general chat to keep in line, but listening to the lack of ability to receive constructive criticism I thought twice. But this is a free forum and I want to point out one thing that really annoys me.

Who care what the largest planted from uses?

Is this the Tropical Plant Forum?

No. This is TFF. Do we have an entire section dedicated to polls? No. It isn't necessary here. The largest reef forum does, but this isn't the largest reef forum.

From re-reading your first post Crey, it looks like you think you are doing a great service to people, and everyone on the forum should know about it. You have then got upset because a lot of people just don't care if you have sent things to other people.

This raises the question of just how good a good deed is. Do you do it because it should be done, or because of the selfish love of the warm glow you feel inside? How good is any good deed? (Though that is for an entirely different conversation)

I (with my fiance) helped CFC moved house. We spent a whole day ferrying fish and tanks from one place to another. There was no little icon that appeared next to my name. No thank you thread in the forum. And I didn't expect one. Why should I?

The largest problem with your idea is that it would make sending stuff seem more valuable than good advice. The answer would be to allow little icons to appear for giving good advice. But how do you class good advice? What if that advice proves wrong?

Running any such system would be beyond all but a far larger forum that could have dedicated mods for it.

These points may not have been very eloquently put, but you seem to have taken far too much offence for someone who was just floating an idea.
hey Andywg, you got beer - thank you enough for anyone in my book :p .

But you and Nina are stars, thank you again, (did you get that warm soft fuzzy feeling)?

I'm not going to reply to the actual thread, 'cos I don't want anyone getting upset with me. But I will say Mr Miagi, I don't think you really need to explain yourself, you do just fine in my eyes.
Ive not read this the whole way through, Im far to lazy! But if i could add my 6p worth - I dont think there is any need for this sort of thing, if someone sends you some plants send them a PM, why does eveyone else need to know you've done a good deed?

BTW who's William (I've worked out hes the man behind the forum BTW) and is there any way I can help him keep TFF going? I would gladly offer my services and/or what limited funds I have to keep this place going :)
Firstly, all suggestions to improve the site are appreciated, so thanks Craynerd for bringing this up. Secondly, for several reasons, we will not be adding a new thankyou addon, be it a forum or feedback like ebay. Thirdly I think this topic has run its course, once again thankyou everyone for the input, I appreciate there were some differing views, and I see both sides, but on balance have made my decision.

Finally, Themuleous, i'm looking forward to these bank details :good: :drinks:
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