A Tale Of What Not To Have With Corys


Fish Gatherer
Oct 10, 2011
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I was in a Lfs yesterday, I know I'm addicted!
Anyways was looking at the fish as always & saw some bronze corys in with some green tiger barbs.
As I stood & watched, the barbs were repeatedly taking chunks out of the corys fins.
Every single one of the corys had barely any fins left poor things.
I got a member of staff who quite honestly didn't seem that bothered, but I insisted she take the corys out & put them in a tank by themselves.
I hung around until she did, whether they survived I don't know
I've seen that before. I tried to buy a cory that almost had no fins, but they would let me. They took him out and threw him in the trash!!
That's awful, with time the fins will grow back, just shows how little care some Lfs give their fish
Some Lfs are better than others.
My favourite one is great, I was in there a while back & someone was buying an angel fish (they were regs by the sound of it)
They took pity on one with a deformed head so the owner said there'd be no charge as she'd always said if someone she knew showed interest in him & could give him a good home he could go for free
I have one pretty good pet shop in most regards, careful to only put compatible fish with each other, BUT I am still yet to convince them to put sand in the tanks they sell the cory's from :no: . I keep telling them the cory's will have better barbels (rather than worn/ rotting away) will be happier and who knows perhaps people buying them will then also get the hint that sand is better for catfish. They do care for the fish but they are worried about time constraints and have the miss conception that sand in the tank will make it harder to clean. I shall not rest until I get them to add sand to at least one of the tanks :nod: . I might even take in some pitures of my sand bottom tanks and show them how easy it is to keep clean.
I wish all Lfs set up their tanks the way you'd have them at home.
Again I have to big up my favourite one.
All are individually filtered with various substrates & decor to show how you could have it.
I have to admit though, not all their bottom dwellers are on sand, but a lot are.
They also have the biggest platys I've ever seen in their display tank
My lfs is ok, but they don't actually focus on fish; they just take unwanted fish from breeders. Therefore, the tank conditions are good, but sometimes they put tetras in with chichlids and guppys! Thank god they keep bettas and goldfish in separate tanks!

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