A Spot Inside My Gourami. What Can It Be?


New Member
Sep 3, 2010
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Upstate New York
Dear all! My gourami has some black spot inside of its body under the dorsal fin for about two months now. The spot seems to be stable and doesn't change its size. It is not on skin, it is inside the fish. Did somebody see something similar? What can it be?

It was very difficult to obtain the picture because the light should go through gourami to make possible seeing the spot. So sorry for quality, but it shows the spot nicely:


A bit better quality picture shows fish better but spot worse:


Can it be something unsafe for this gourami or other fish?
I'd put your post in the fish emergencies forum and someone may be able to help. I'm a newbie like you so sorry I can't help.

Good luck :)
I do not know for sure if your fish has the same thing as my tinfoil barb but it has a very similar spot on its side. well this spot has not changed at all in size or color and has been there for along time (more than five years). When i first saw it i kept an eye on it concerned as you are now, but it has not caused any ill effects. again just want to clarify that this may or may not be the same thing.
Thanks, Chrispixx! I have a feeling that this may be a similar thing, and my gourami will also have happily everafter :).

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