A Southerner's Bolivian Ram Journal

I'll try to get some current photos today or tomorrow...
fantastic colouration on all your rams. Very subtle tones across the whole body. Mine are coloured much more brashly with significantly more black marks (when they chose to show it).
Thanks, Zoddy - my Rams really can change up the coloring at will. At night when the lights are out they get much more black coloring and the pink fades totally.
One week shy of four months with the Rams. They still seem to be doing very well overall, although they appear to have formed a Monastic community rather than Hetero! The tank has had fish in it for 6 months, and we have lost our fair share of residents, including 2 Neons and 4 Glofish. But the Rams just carry on like troopers.

My daughter received a Kodak Zi8 video camera for Christmas, and last night I tested out the macro focus mode to see how close I could get on the fish. The digital camera that I used previously had terrible closeup focus ability, and the Zi8 did pretty well, I think.

Here is a link to the video, taken Jan 13, 2011: (if you didn't know - you can click on the video title below rather than the play button to open the video in a new window and watch it in HD)

Lovely clear vid and love your rams.

good to see an update. Looking lovely. Had any luck with spawning/mating behaviour?
Looking for opinions here. My tank is handling the bioload of four Rams without trouble, but I am starting to wonder if none of the Rams are pairing due to being too crowded. The 26 gallon tank is 24" wide and about 15" deep with good places to hide and make territory. I think the Rams were pretty much adult size when I got them 4 months ago. But I don't know how old they get before trying to pair off. I am considering rehoming 2 of them to see what happens, but don't want to be premature about it. I really like all of them but would love to observe spawning behavior.
I'm not sure how often you do water changes but sometimes increasing the water change frequency and allowing the temp to drop just a little whilst changing might help things along as simulates the rainy season I think...

I would have thought that a tank that size with so many hiding spaces would be enough for the fish to feel at home, might you it is quite tall so loses the width of equal volume tanks...

Maybe that bright gravel is putting them off
That's what I get for letting the kids decorate! I do weekly 30% water changes, but maybe I'll let the temp drop a little bit (I usually match the temp pretty close) and see if that stimulates any activity. This morning one of the males kept chasing the other male away, and then it would rub itself against some stones in front of the females. Perhaps that is some mating behavior?
Lol, I know that one, I fought hard with my son to go for a compromise when I had gravel...now of course they're more my pets than his and he isn't bothered except for the odd interesting question now and again which means it's doing some good at least

No idea about the rubbing as I haven't keep rams, but quick side swipes against the substrate (flashes) are normal breeding behaviour for most cichlids...maybe this is a variation on it...

I have in the past done 50% water changes that drop the temp from 26C to 23C without any upset to the fish...heck, I've left the heater off one night by mistake and the water dropped to 18C with no ill affect to the fish in the long term but I would recommend that :) All I am trying to say is don't be too concerned if the water temp drops by a few degrees with a water change.

I am sure there are other things to be considered and hopefully someone else will chip in..it might be better to post the question (refering to this journal) on the matter in the main topics section as new entries in the journals are no so obvious in the listings.
A few more pictures grabbed today (Jan 28, 2011):

The two males facing off to compare the size of their...tiny breeding tubes:


A shot of 3 of the 4:


And a good focus shot on the one I think is the dominant male - he has claimed the large cave area and the front of the tank for his own. He half heartedly chases away the females as they swim by, but aggressively goes after the other male when he tries to enter the area.

Beautiful fish, aren't they? I'm hoping to add some to my tank, if I EVER get to the LFS which isn't so local. Honestly, if I had the funds I'd open my own!
Very interesting activity in the tank the past 24 hours! Both of the male Rams colored up like crazy! Here is a pic of one of them (from last night):


And this morning both males are being very aggressive toward each other, and displaying their fins for the females. The male that I think is dominant (in the above picture) has been hanging around the back of the tank where I have a large, flat stone, and seems to be cleaning it and trying to get the females attention. The females - I'm not sure they are into it yet. But I definitely think the males are trying to get their attention today.

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