A Small Grass Type Plant For My Fw Nano?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2006
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Can any of you guys/gals suggest a nice grass type plant to get for my fresh water nano tank please, If not can you suggest some other types of plants.

Think I made a mistake buying Blyxa Japonica when my tank water must be quite hard as the leaves look as if they are melting, also my moss is somewhat brown , any ideas?
Well if the moss is turning brown then there is a problem and i suggest you sort that out before even trying grassy plants. The pinned articles will answer all your questions and tell you what your plants need. :)
Really can't think what the problem is...

It is a small nano 12"x9"x9".
It has 11w clip on over head light.
Hang on back filter.
About 1.5 cm of aquatic compost with around 1" of black small stone gravel.

The only thing I can think of is it must be water chemistry??? I have ordered 5 in 1 test strips for tank as soon as they come will fill the details in.

Anything else you guys think could be wrong?
Regular water changes and when you add new water also add some trace ferts. Maybe use flourish excel for a carbon source.
No, normal one every week. By regular i meant as in a set routine. Id go with a 50% water change a week.
That sounds fair enough, the only plant that is taking some growth and looking quite healthy is my banana plant that has sprouted a new pad :unsure:
Just tried tetra test 5 in 1 on my aquarium and the results are:

NO3 - 50-100 mg/l :huh:
NO2 - 0 mg/l :D
GH - >16od :(
KH - 3od
ph7.6- 8

It says in manual by lowering GH the PH will also lower, is this true? and how do i lower my GH?
Two things, those test strips are crap, liquid test kits are bad enough, those are even worse.

Lowering GH will not as far as I am aware lower pH, if you lower KH however you will almost certainly lower the pH. Lowering either GH or KH is tricky though.


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