A slave to my fish!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2004
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I have always loved fish but not until recently have I been able to own my own tank. Well needless to say it is exciting. As of right now I only have three little tetras in my ten gallon as it cycles. Mostly I am a betta lover as soooo...many people are. They are incredible fish. :wub: Currently I have two...Jefferey a red that we rescued from a betta hell (walmart) and Haku blue cambodia (i believe). Jefferey seems to adore my husband so our of a touch of jealousy I purchased Haku (he is only a couple months old). This is not my first experience with bettas....my last ended tragically five years ago. I was living with my parents and I had to move quickly and was not allowed to go back to the house to retrieve my fish... I was so depressed....UNTIL! I found out my aunt saved him! I was so happy I asked for him back because I loved the gorgeous fella. When I asked her for him back she said....oh I dumped him in a pond out back....I live in CANADA! I couldn't believe it and I was so sad that I was haunted by it in my dreams. So when I saw poor Jefferey at walmart (they were all in rough shape and most near death) I had to grab one up and give it a chance. I had been doing a lot of research and fortunately had enough knowledge to pick the healthiest one I could find. He has a bit of tail rot from the awful water conditions he was living in but he is healing and is very happy. Well I believe I have gone on long enough....But hey if you have any fun suggestions about what type of fish I could add to my aquarium I would love to hear them. If not doesn't matter I just want to get to know people who share my obsession. (I do not have any friends that are aquarium enthusiast and they really give you wierd looks when you go on and on about fish) Take Care.
welcome ot the forum!

i agree, you have one lucky betta

Welcome to the Forum :D

Can I suggest a 10 gallon full of neons? That's what is in
my ten gallon and they are really fun to watch and very

They also get along with just about anything!
Well I am not sure about what I want to do with the ten... I would like a small variety of fish in there mind you.... Neons are great but I would like a mix....seems like more fun to watch and learn about. I will be getting a bigger aquarium once I get a bigger house...but for now this will have to do (unless I find more room). I was thinking that dwarf gouramis seem interesting....or a female betta perhaps ( have read that both are fairly safe to put with neon tetras). Also I was thinking about an african dwarf frog or some sort of algea eater that does not get too large. I don't want to overcrowd my tank. Thanks for all the friendly responses. You are very good at making people feel welcome. :alien:
Hi Jayderana :)

Welcome to the forum! :flowers:

I'll be looking forward to reading your posts. :kana:
Hi and welcome,how about a few corys in your tank they are so active and great fun to watch,panda corys are so cute i have a couple in with one of my male Bettas,infact i have corys in three out of four tanks,they are so much fun to watch. :fish: :hi:
Thank you for all of your suggestions! I will think about them and check them all out. I really appreciate it. Also, thank you for the friendly greetings this is by far the best board i have joined in my quest for fish knowledge! :fish:

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