A Sick Little Guy


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score
North Bay, Ontario
My friend at work has a betta.. nothing too fancy.. anyway. I keep lots of Blood parrots and other larger breeds.

She has had him for 6 Months and very healthy and active
She asked me over tonight to see if I could help. I don't know much about bettas but knew this would be the place to go

She has him in a little (under a gallon) container. he just lays on the bottom.. been doing it for about a week. I noticed he seemed like he did a flash or two but not sure if he was just wanting to rest back down.

She does water changes once a week to once a week and a half but started recently doing them every three days. she did have him in brighter light as well before but now more in a corner. She also recently took the rocks out and gave them a rince under water and put them back. The water looks a bit cloudy to me.

I don't know much about unfiltered tanks so I came here for help. I know taking the rocks out prob messed up the natural bacteria but I don't know what to tell her about treating him.

He does not have any cotton or signs of sickness other then fading and laying on the bottom.. I dont know how his fins should look really look but they don't look like they have fungus on them. He does seem to be clamped though.

I don't know what to recommend but he doesn't look like he will make it much longer.

It could be a he or she.. he/she does have those tiny bubbles as well at the top of the tank.. I though that ment female but I dont know.

Any help would be great... I was going to recommend Pimafix but I don't know how to treat such a small tank ( eye drop) or how often she should be doing water changes and how much as it is not a filtered tank.

oh yes i also read about depression for fish and carrying eggs would make them lathargic... But I know nothing about these little guys.

thank you very much in advance for any help. I hope I gave enough information.
after looking at bettas on here ... the fins do kinda look shreaded.. like not solid. I don't know anything about these fish.
Under a gallon really is completely unsuitable, your friend really needs 3 gallon minimum, most would suggest 5. Especially with no filtration, with no filter and that small tank she should be doing massive water changes every day to keep the ammonia levels down.

Is the tank heated? Unfortunately there are a couple of problems here.

1. Filtration - filters are not essentially needed here but the week to week and a half may not be enough to keep waste prduct down and he may be suffering from ammonia burning or nitrite poisoning. Does his gills looked inflamed anyway at all? Poor water quality may have affected him.

2. Water changes - as above, the only secure way to know when to change suitably would be to have a good test kit to see how the water params are to work out how often, though every 3-4 days would be good.

3. Heater - these are tropical fish and need to be around 79-80F he could be listless due to low temperatures.

4. One gallonor less - generally on here we recommended 3gallon minimum to give these type of fish adequate space to live in but also so filters and heaters can be incorporated.

5. Shredded Fins - Spikey fins are known as crown tails but be careful as non perfect shredded fins would suggest damage or finrot, just about to post two pics below of my crown tails (also google if that helps!)


6. Male or female - generally the females have smaller fins, males tend to have long flowing fins (except in case of plakats) the males will build bubblenests though believe on occasion (rarity) females might.

7. Concerning his condition - make sure he has easy access to the surface, as if he has little energy he could drown. Pimafix is better than Melafix though really unsure how you are going to measure for something that small. Ensure that the water temperature is right for him. Get a test kit and check the water params. How is he (going to assume he ;)) feeding? What has she been feeding him on? If fins are clamped that would suggest one of two things cool water temperatures or internal bacteria.

Hope this had helped a little, please come back to us on his condiiton x
thank you. I'll bring my test kits over there to test her water... I never really thought of that.. I did tell her to move him to a larger tank as I thought that one was a bit too small. And ya I was not sure how to measure the Pimafix... I was thinking on treating a gallon of water then add some of that water to her tank... during a water change.
pimafix is really only suitable for treating fungal issues (cottony or fluffy growths). melafix (and bettafix) are for bacterial issues. use caution with this med as some bettas cant tolerate it and react badly. half dose is usually recommended.
however, in that small of volume, daily large water changes should be made and would be the best option (over adding meds). most likely ammonia buildup causing listlessness and ragged fins (if they are infact ragged). i recommend clean clean water for now. and look for a larger tank or bowl for him

he also could be bored with his tiny surroundings, hence not moving about much. but in a small tank like that it would be difficult to add something fun for him like a cave ot other decor. try adding some live plants like elodea or camboba...will give him something to swim thru and also help with water quality a little..
good luck
I think the betta might feel better in a bigger tank. :)
In a tank under a gallon, there is not much swimming space.

So my only advice is....... Get A Bigger Tank!!!!...Even 3g is fine, but something bigger than less that 1g!

I told her to move him to another larger tank and she is doing it today. Thanks for the help. I also advised her to get a heater. I hope her little guy perks up. she named him ...RuePaul ....lol.
Lol, RuePaul,
Its great that you told her to move it into a bigger tank, i'm 100% sure it will feel alot better now!

thats good news. they also make little filters for smaller tanks. try to see if she'd get one for the bigger tank. it would help save loads of waterchanges in the future. or you can make one that would easily fit in there. all you need is an airpump and a few other cheap odds and ends. pm me if youd like some instructions on how to make your own filter. its super easy!
she moved him to a bigger tank and said he is more lively..

She does not want any cords near the water.

Thanks for all the help.. I learned a lot about Betta's in this section of the forum too. They are really cool looking fish.. I almost with I had a tank to put one in... Do they go well with mollies.. I do have a 29G with only a few mollies in it and have not decided what to add to that tank.. kinda left it as a fry tank? lol.
Not really. Bettas should really be left alone, IMO. But it somewhat depends on the Betta. Some can live happily in a community and others attack anything in their tanks.
if she (or you being a caring friend) were to make a sponge filter using an airpump, there wouldnt be any cords near the water. only airline tubing, and a heateris bpretty essential too(and has a cord) as they are tropical fish. keeping at colder temps will cause health issues in the long run.
just some kind advice.
thank you again. I wont risk having an angry betta. lol.

I tried telling her about options but she does not want anything but a tank.. the tank she moved him to is not much bigger ( he is doing better) but she is going to buy a bigger tank this week to give him a perm home.

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