Thanks for your reply and PM.
As it's getting colder now i was wondering if it'd be possible to float a tub in my aquarium and keep the hatched shrimp in there, so that it stays warm. This would mean that the lights go out at night though. Would this be a problem? Or if i had a separate setup would the heat from a desklamp be enough to keep the water warm?
I know nothing about the phytoplankton and i might enquire about it in the marine section. You said the kent phytoplex doesnt need to be cultured, meaning it's already green water. However does this mean that the phytoplankton is dead? If it is dead, does this mean the water quality is poorer? I was thinking it was something that needed to be cultured
I will keep a close eye on her, but it's only been 10 days since i noticed the eggs which is giving me some time to get prepared. I have harlequins, tetra and platties in the tank with her and none have ever paid any interest in her so far, so i'll keep watching to see if there's any change.
I was thinking of putting the shrimp in a breeding new until she gives birth. I dont know if this would be any good for her, or if the zoes will be so small they can get through the net, but the net seems quite fine. I also have a brine shrimp filter which i'm hoping will save me the trouble of using a pipette to get them out.
I have my salt ready, i have a brackish tank. However i thought you used SG 1.023? i read somewhere of SG 1.030 ? Or was that 30 ppt / ppm ? I dont get all this...

Still, i have time to find out.
Did you test the water when everything went wrong? Or tested whilst they were alive? How often did you do the water changes? Shrimps aren't really that messy, but then again there's quite a lot of zoes.
I'll keep you informed if i do decide to try it out, but it'll be a few weeks yet. Thanks once again for your help!