A Sad Decision...

I think your bettas would be better off adopted, but dont do any breeding please. :good:
jesus christ people - since when has this forum become so nasty? everyones entitled to a change , and there is no evidence that bettadreams is a bad fish keeper , freedom of opinion / speech people :/
I'm just surprised that on a forum where culling, fishing, and fish fighting are seen as acceptable, people are angry that someone wants to re-home some bettas to better accomodate breeding animals (I do agree that having 2 usernames is bad as it violates the forum rules, unless the old one was deleted?). I firmly believe that pets are a life-long commitment, so I'm not keen on adopting out old animals to make room for new, but isn't adoption to new homes a better option than trying to handle too many animals at once?

Anyways, regardless of how I personally feel about this particular situation, I will say that I have adopted two fish from BettaBum, and have been nothing but pleased; I will adopt Peanut Butter if she is still letting him go after this mess. Her correspondence was excellent, the fish were in perfect health, and she was very accomodating so far as meeting me to pick them up.
Actually there has been a ton of evidence, that she is not *maybe* a BAD fish keeper, but can be an irresponsible one, with a bad situation that risks her fish.

IE: roomate issues, time and time again (my room ate killed my fish, left the windows open...etc etc..again, again again)

I'm sure its unintentional, but it is a good sign that she is looking for someone to adopt them and is taking some admission here. She propably felt she would be attacked and 'told-ya-so'd if she posted under her legitimate/first username.

Lying is never okay, but admitting and asking for help is a step in the right direction, for your fish and for you too.

Best of luck
jesus christ people - since when has this forum become so nasty? everyones entitled to a change , and there is no evidence that bettadreams is a bad fish keeper , freedom of opinion / speech people :/
Oh - everyone's entitled to change - unless it's against the forum rules to have more than one profile.
Nothing wrong with "new beginnings" as such. But deception and lies - now personally I have a problem with that.
It is against the rules? I'm sorry, then, I had a profile a long while ago, i think i posted once, but then I forgot my login information and came back and made this one to ask questions about my sick fish. I hope this is okay. I can't even remember what my login was before.

Sorry again. :blush:
But then you read BettaDreams1227's very fist post that says:

Hey, I'm new to the forum. I have been keeping fish for a little over a year. I have 11 male bettas all in 1-2 1/2 gallon tanks, I also have a 10 gallon tank with 4 female bettas, 4 cories and 2 black mystery snails, I plan on upgrading to a 29 gallon sometime this summer. And I'm just getting in to breeding bettas, so that should be a fun adventure!!! I look forward to looking around this site!! :D :D

New huh ? :/
Hmm... I was kinda feeling sorry for you about the whole "everyone's angry about the name change" business on the other forum until I read that. Guess you really were trying to pretend it wasn't you? :sly:

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