A really DUMB question - ARMS IN WATER??

I ordered a pair of gloves from Big Al's. They go up to my armpits!! It's nearly impossible to plant stuff with them. They're ok for moving rocks and bogwood. I think they may be better suited for delivering a calf!! :lol:

Anyway, if I know I'm going to have my arms in the tank, I don't use any lotion that day -- or only on the arm that doesn't go in the tank!! Either way, I always scrub well with warm water only.
It can make your arms blister really bad i have seen a couple of pictures of this happening, you really should wear somthing, BUT! they were pics of fish shop owners who touch the water everday, if you only put your hand in once a week or so i wouldnt worry but i would clean your hands and arms very well before touching the water.
Once my g/f came home from getting her nails done and found my betta stuck in a log so she did the right thing and lifted up the log but then 3 hours later all the fish in that tank were dead, POISIONING!
paulthegreat said:
Those white, kitchen trash bags should be long enough for most tanks.HTH
Just make sure they're not scented..

You can order disposable, plastic, shoulder-length gloves from assorted vet supply places. They may very well be listed as OB gloves.

I always have my hands and arms in my (freshwater) tank and have never had any problems (for me or the fish). It hink I always remember to wash my hands afterwards -_-

aka Married Lizard :wub:
i just rinse them in tap water and take a drop or two of stress coat and put it on my hand to be extra safe
Hi..don't forget that rinsing also will help remove some oils. Water changes take place under the surface and repeatedly putting arms in without rinsing might build up over time. Someone mentioned salmonella here....that would only be a problem if ingested, so, makes good sense to wash your hands AFTER handling dirty filter media, etc. Afterall, we all wash our hands after WE go to the BR (or for out Euro friends, WC), makes sense to do the same after we handle THEIRS. SH
If you smoke, be sure to wash your hands before putting them into the tank. Nicotine is a poison, and the residue that clings to your fingers will come off in the water. I don't know how much it would take to harm the fish, but it's always better to be safe than sorry with this kind of thing. :D
Thats very true inchworm, ive had a couple of preblems with fish dieing on me, but now that i keep cichlids i smoke around the tank and do what.....you just cant kill them.

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