A Proper Off Topic Section?

Apparently there was one before and the members couldn't behave themselves in it, so it was closed.

Don't believe the hype ;)

It was closed down after a particularly vile mod was attacking a member. I still have copies of the PM's I exchanged with William when I reported it to him and he closed the forum down. Oddly enough the same mod who was supposed to be moderating that forum rather than stoking problems up and the one who was most vocal in preventing it's return :) I also still have copies of the rather hillarious PM's that mod sent to me too, they make me smile when I read them :D

The myth that it was members causing problems are perpetuated by those who don't want to see it's return.

Don't believe the hype wink.gif

It was closed down after a particularly vile mod was attacking a member. I still have copies of the PM's I exchanged with William when I reported it to him and he closed the forum down. Oddly enough the same mod who was supposed to be moderating that forum rather than stoking problems up and the one who was most vocal in preventing it's return smile.gif I also still have copies of the rather hillarious PM's that mod sent to me too, they make me smile when I read them biggrin.gif

The myth that it was members causing problems are perpetuated by those who don't want to see it's return.

That's seriously ridiculous.

To be honest, I really think that we could set one up again, but have a limit needed to post, as well as banning people that only start arguments and such. That's not to say that arguments should be a bannable offense, though, just going around trolling should be.
please people just forget about a general chat fourm, aint gonna happen. just recently seen the fallout when people dont agree with mods verdicts and in a gc arena tempers will flare too easily. I was all for restarting it but after reading some threads i have to say no too.
for the most part we all know how to behave but sadly as with everything you get the few that spoil it for all.
too hard to mod 24/7 and if all the mods arent behind it then its not going to happen.
woohoo everybody wants it so lets not have it! :fun:

a "few" that spoil it.. first they get a warning, then they get banned. simple, doesnt need 24/7 monitoring, just somebody to go on the next morning and send out the msgs/bans when required.. something gets heated, close it. its what u do right now anyways.. at that point remember u cant make everybody happy and if they complain it really doesnt matter. its better having one or two banned members complain about why they are then having a large portion of the forum complain every week or two.. and making the majority of the forum happy would seem the obvious choice.. seems like you are concentrating on the negative and forgetting the positive aspects of it..
It would be nice if either of the links in the sticky worked. :lol:
Done. See, something good did come out of this thread. :lol:

first they get a warning, then they get banned. simple
I wish it were that simple. Unfortunately, banning doesn't always work. They can just create a new ID and now you have an angry member who is looking for a way to cause problems. That has happened very recently. And banning their IP addresses is difficult too as they can be renewed.
Maybe call the forum 'PLEASE IGNORE THE TROLLS'?

If you want an example of just how good Off topic areas can be, go check out the one at avforums. They really can bring everyone together.
the chances of that happening frequently enough to create that issue definitely doesnt outweigh the reasons for having a forum and simple monitoring is all thats needed, not 24/7,, if a problem gets to the extreme of a member looking for revenge or something they can report it and a mod online or the next one online can fix it.. theres too many people wanting it and too little reason not too..
^^ AW andy, you've changed your sig :sad: I was just getting used to scrolling 3 miles to the right to read your replys :shifty:

Back on topic though, a general chat section would need supervising to keep flame wars at bay. Much though it would be nice to have, we'd need double the moderators to actually keep it running and I imagine it would be hard for the mods to actually mod in effectively... :sad:

Nice idea in short, but not realy practicle for the forum is basically what the mods are saying... (or have I missinterpreted?) :rolleyes:

All the best

Mods, i understand the decision. I would however, like to ask if there is any responses to the comments made by Arfie on the first page on this topic.. as it is the first i have heard of this, so i dont know if that is infact what caused it to end, or not.. but the mods, or anybody else, not replying to that post of Arfie's, considering a mod did reply to the topic only a couple posts after he put that one, would make me believe it was being avoided. Not trying to cause troubles, or arguments.. i am simply wondering what the situation with that is. :)


I was one of the most vocal supporters of a General Chat, but it will not happen the way things stand.

If you search this forum, there was a multiple page topic which I started some time ago to come up with suggestions to help it get relaunched, despite many useful and helpful suggestions there was verciferous opposition from some mods, as the mods haven't changed and I doubt their opinions have either, it will not happen.

For those who are PMing me, no I will not tell you what it was about nor who the mod is :no: Just putting the record straight ;)


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