A Proper Off Topic Section?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 8, 2006
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All the other forums I post in have off topic sections, and theyre usually my favoruite parts! I know we have non-fish photos, and other hobbies, but how about a place for more general discussions/rants?
Hi Loz,

This topic comes up all the time on this forum. If you look down the topic titles in this section, you'll see that someone asks about a general chat section about every 2 weeks. The answer is always NO.

Apparently there was one before and the members couldn't behave themselves in it, so it was closed.

It's a good idea, but the admin have indicated time and time again that it won't happen. :sad: Sorry!

Cheers :good:

yea its absolutely and completely rediculous, specially considering the amount of new members that werent around then and deserve another shot, BUT we are told time after time no, we cant, and a mod will close this topic to avoid the argument from the overwhelming amount of people that want it.

NOTHING we can do im afraid at this point... and i would also like to make it clear it isnt ALL of the mods that are against it, so they cant all be generalized as not wanting general chat section. There is some who do.
Yep its always asked on here, never going to happend again though.

Your not from wales are you? thinking you may be because you said 'Propper'. :p
live chat.. which i can go on, but a lot of other members dont go on, or cant get on, plus topics can be spread out with people who arent on at the same time as u every night, live chat is no good if i go on at 12 am here because almost nobody is on..

I still say the amount of new members here should at the very least get another chance, as i, and some others, werent around for this old general chat that was soo bad..

But in reality i know and realise that that isnt going to happen (for some reason i dont understand, especially considering the number of people who want one)
Ooops, sorry for repeating the question then folks!

One thing I would say is this site has a very active community with a number of regular (and extremely helpful) posters. It seems a hugs shame to miss out on something that could make this community stronger still. So, im appealing to the mods to give it another go - you can hold me personally responsible if it all goes to pot. Maybe put a sticky up/force a disclaimer before creating new topics with strict guidelines, or enforce 3 day/week long bans if people cross the line?

Come on guys, give us a chance!
you can hold me personally responsible if it all goes to pot. Maybe put a sticky up/force a disclaimer before creating new topics with strict guidelines, or enforce 3 day/week long bans if people cross the line?

they always say no to that aswell lol.

to the mods, why not put a sticky up explaining why we dont have a general chat area, thta way it might not keep popping up is much.
to the mods, why not put a sticky up explaining why we dont have a general chat area, thta way it might not keep popping up is much.

take a look at the pinned topics in this forum aaron ;)

highlights the point nicely! people don't bother to look at the stickies before posting :lol:
to the mods, why not put a sticky up explaining why we dont have a general chat area, thta way it might not keep popping up is much.

take a look at the pinned topics in this forum aaron ;)

highlights the point nicely! people don't bother to look at the stickies before posting :lol:

well that makes me look a right pillac :blush: :blush:

thats why i stick with planted tanks section :lol:
:D :lol:

sorry that made me laugh, we all do it though. ;)

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