Oh, something I forgot to mention- substrate syphoning with this sand vs Argos sand... this sand is pretty heavy, comparatively. When I'm syphon cleaning it, even if some goes into the tube bit (what is that called? The bell jar, head, something?) pausing the flow lets it fall back down again, it rarely goes all the way through and into the bucket unless I'm really careless. I think the play sand is smaller and lighter and easier to suck up, but I've never used it so might be wrong!
@FishBearer9845 said she has the playsand, how do you find it for substrate cleaning,
On the other hand, even if you sucked up loads, you can get it from the bucket and put it back, and it's also cheap to replace
@mbsqw1d got some recently! What do you think? I wonder also since they need a certain school size and they're relatively large whether they'd even be possible in a 34 gallon tank, especially with so many different fish.
@Russjw also has odessas
I'm so sorry, it sounds so rough! I've just gone through a similar stretch. Losing fish to worms, a month of medicating, then finding out my new plants were contaminated with pesticides once my shrimp began dying off, so having to rush to set up a clean tank for the rest of the colony and still hoping that enough survive to repopulate. Couldn't do anything fun with the tanks for the month of treating them, and it was a lot of work and sadness, making the tanks feel like a chore and a lost cause, you know? Spates of illness or problems like that are awful, but they
do pass. I wanted to give up the hobby and shut down the tanks at one point, but now I'm out the other side for the most part, I'm loving it again and the fish are well, so it's enjoyable and not a chore anymore. Why not make a thread and work out a plan of action with some help and ask any questions you have? It's what the forum is for, and it helps so much to vent and get advice from other hobbyists rather than doing it all alone
But even if you don't want to do that, I'm glad you got it off your chest now, sending cyber hugs if wanted!