Found it, a bit dated really since I wrote that thread back in 2013!
And the bottle may have changed in appearances and some hardware stores no longer stock ammonia due to ammonia being used for other nefarious purposes.
But the information is the same though.
Quite a long thread but some good info on it.
The most important point is, if you get a bottle household ammonia for cleaning from a hardware store then the ammonia must be at least 9.5% ammonium hydroxide, meaning there’s nothing else in the bottle apart from ammonia and water basically.
And another tip, if you’re unsure if the household ammonia is safe to use for cycling, give the bottle a good shake, if there’s lots of froth happening and does not dissipate quickly then chances are there are other elements in the bottle that probably means it’s not safe for cycling the tank.
I have successfully cycled two tanks at that time using Homebase Household Ammonia and did not affect any livestocks after stocking the tank after the cycle, that’s including shrimps and snails which is telling me it was good to use.
I thought I would start a new thread on where to source ammonia and live bacteria starter for those of you wanting to start a Fishless Cycles. Link for Fishless Cycle - Since I am UK based...
Failing that, the silent cycle as everyone discussed earlier is a good plan as well.