This is along the same lines as your pet peeves. I first joined this forum cause I was having fun. It was a great place to be, every one was friendly and happy. Now it seems like each new thread in the betta forum is someone trying to one up someone else. I just don't know how else to put it. One second it is OMG LOOK AT THIS! you click, hoping it is a pic of a beautiful betta. But no, it is about walmart. The next thread is look what I rescued today, and the pic is of a perfectly healthy CT.
I know that taking a betta out of a tiny cup is in a sense "rescuing" it, however, That fish is not dying. IMO, you have not rescued a betta, or any fish for that matter, until you have taken it home and brought it back from the brink of death. Or you have it already and it gets sick and you are able to make it better. Or in the case of BM, she had to rescue Lucky from the drain. And to be realistic, one does not "rescue" a betta from a store, they purchase it. If the fish is sick and dying and the store gives it to you cause they think that it won't survive anyway, that could be considered rescuing, IMO.
I have a hard time visiting anymore, but I keep coming back hoping it will change. So far it hasn't really, but I am going to keep my fingers crossed.
Bring back the funny stories of what your betta did today. I miss those.