Hi fishboy04
first things first do you have any water testing kits? If so, test for everything and post the results here so we can get a better idea of whats happening with your tank.
If you dont have any, you really need to get some asap or you might lose all your fish over something that is easily resolved.
next questions, what size is your tank, what stock do you have in there?
whan did you last do a water change and how much?
Has anything changed recently that could have affected your tank? ie: forgetting to add dechlorinator, addition of new fish, change to water used in water changes, something unusual being added to the tank such as medication or any way anything like paint fumes could have got into your tank?
What is the temperature in your tank? has the heater become faulty? Is the filter working normally?
What do your fish look like sitting on the bottom? Are they gasping, losing balance, any signs of ilness on any of them?
Are they all eating normally?
post anything you notice back here so we can get a better idea of what might be going on and give you some advice.
Good luck!