A newbie's question

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New Member
Aug 17, 2020
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Menlo Park, California
Personally, I have been/am more of a freshwater aquarist, but I was just wondering if all those fuplie rat's-nests of wires, pipes, and sumps that I see in YT videos are really necessary for saltwater aquaria? I'm hoping to start a F.O.W.L.R. marine aquarium in the near future, and am searching for guidance. Thank you!!!
Cant answer your question, but I just wanted to say it's great that you just joined and are already using "fuplie":rofl:
Personally, I have been/am more of a freshwater aquarist, but I was just wondering if all those fuplie rat's-nests of wires, pipes, and sumps that I see in YT videos are really necessary for saltwater aquaria? I'm hoping to start a F.O.W.L.R. marine aquarium in the near future, and am searching for guidance. Thank you!!!
The short answer is "nope" they are not. You can run a marine tank with a canister filter or even a typical HOB filter. You can use the same lighting as a FW tank (unless you want to grow corals). There are good reasons to have those things (I do) but they aren't required at all, especially if it is a FOWLR.
Wow, thank you!
You're welcome. If you have any other questions please ask. I recommend you start with the largest tank you can. When it comes to marine bigger will make it easier on you. 30 gallon minimum, and 55 gallon really is the best starting point. Once you have experience you can go smaller but with marine smaller is harder (much harder).

But really, keeping marine isn't all that different from fresh. When it gets complicated is when you add corals to the mix.

Also, having plenty of flow is important in salt. The fish you get are almost all reef fish so they are used to currents.

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