A Newbie's Path To Tropical Fish Keeping


Always look on the bright side of life..
Jul 16, 2006
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I am writing this thread as a way of saying thank-you to the members of this fantastic forum who have helped me out so far, to gain some true feeling / feedback of my setup so far and finally as perhaps a way to encourage those people who are yet to get into fish keeping...

As of almost 7 weeks ago, or to be more precise, 45 days, I have NEVER kept fish. For the last 10 years I have been looking at the tanks in fish shops, gob-agog, wishing that I myself kept fish - something I have been reluctant to do and always thought out of reach. Then on my birthday, completely out of the blue, my wife & kids got me a Juwel Rekord 60 tank with some gravel, ornaments, fake plants and a pictorial backing.

I was like a 7 year old kid on Christmas morning!

The guy in the LFS suggested that tank to my wife (a good choice IMHO) and to let the tank run for a week before adding some hardy fish, This I did, waited & added some hardy fish - 2 Harliquin and 2 Glowlight Tetra. Oh & an excellent, if not dated book: 'Guide to the Tropical Aquarium' by Dick Mills.

Here's my set up approximately 2 weeks later! You can clearly see the kids choice of ornament. HONEST GUV!

THEN I discovered and enlisted to this forum with a flurry (still on-going, sorry all) of inane newbie questions - Never once was I flamed, criticized or discourage!

But my major error - I had not done a fishless cycle!!Not to worry! Through advice & encouragement I think I am well on my way now to a healty tank. On this path I learnt about water changes, testing, planting (for a low tech tank - something the LFS suggested I stay well away from, that is to say using ANY plants whatsoever), substrates, lighting.

Then my wife & kids nagged me into getting two 3-lined corys. (I know, I know!)

To make the tank a HELL of a lot more pleasing to the eyes, notice (apart from the removal of that bloody dinosaur with the inane grin and that sodding cross-eyed octopus), the removal of the backing (before I got a BLACK backing) proper plants (although the fake ones still ocupy the tank).

The plants are: Amazon Sword, Green Cabomba and Red Rubin Sword Plant (<- I was informed this may be a bad choice in a low tech tank, but 3 weeks later seems OK)

The bulb was swapped out for an Arcadia Freshwater one.

I purchased some Japonica Shrimp and they all ended up jumping out of the tank and perishing! Another severe lesson learnt - KEEP THE LID ON!

Laterite was added to the substrate, on top of which more gravel was added.
The plants were removed from their plant pots, tidied up and split up (where possible) and tied together before being pushed into the new substrate.

Unfortunately (I think, can't explain it other than this) these major changes resulted in the death of one of my cories! He just flipped out & the next day he was flippers-up!

I was then nagged into buying a Siamese Fighter... (I say nagged because I'd have WAITED).


Proper (from the LFS) BLACK backing was attached to the back of the tank, I then purchased a log of Mopani wood, boiled it (to kill any nasties & get the tannin out) and soaked it in a bucket of old tank water for a week.

Rearranged the plants a bit and removed almost all of the fake plants.
Then removed the Black Carbon filer and the Green Nitrate filters and replaced the whole lot with another fine

Blue filter and added a course blue filter (cut to the size of the old Black Carbon filter).
I also learnt how to take pictures of my tank (not easy by a long chalk).

This is my tank as of 2 hours ago:


Future plans are to graft on some Java Moss and possibly some Dwarf Anubias onto the Mopani.
Add a lawn of Dwarf Sagittaria.
Get some Neons in there and hopefully a German Blue Ram Cichlid.
Possibly construct a DIY CO2 using the yeast method.

So, there you have it! 45 days of steep learning curve learning!

Please, your HONEST comments on my final se-tup. I'd love some feedback on my tank.
What I am doing right or wrong and how you'd improve it!


what a lovley tank, a credit to you, im very green myself, and know how you feel. if you go for the co2 dont forget to sort a diffeser, or all your co2 will pop right out your tank. all covered in the diy sections and easey to do, all the best and keep it up,
I don't think I am even halfway there yet - this is the just the start of my newbie learning-curve & also the final stages of the tank getting established. When that's done I can open my mind to more complicated things such as adding DIY CO2.

I would just love to see some Riccia in there, pearling away with my Green Cabomba.

Now that would be cool.


Oh, & brown spot seems to be accumulating on some of my pebbles. I think I'll just turn my kettle on & get some bleach out......... :ninja:
Underwurlde, would you mind if I could use the first and last 2 pictures from your initial thread to use on my website to illustrate how with a bit of good advice and an inspired imagination can turn a dull tank to an aquascaped masterpiece?
This was a huge relief to read, THANKYOU!! We have the same tank and have had a run of problems due to asking for no advice, so we've started again and i am doing it properly by getting the help of the experts on this forum! Am a few days into cycling and have put our existing RBT shark, Angel fish and tiger barb back in, they are all about a year old and not too big, lots of people have said they are going to be way to big for the tank and can be snappy so bit stuck as to what to do now!! You are a bit of reassurance to me as you have a decent number of fish and tank looks great! Thankyou, i know my tank isnt a dead loss now!! x :fish: :fish:
Very nice! I'm very much a newbie too, just starting out now. Though my tank won't be setup for a couple of months as I have to pay and go on 2 holidays!! After these holidays i'll get some money together and get it all setup when I have time, hope it looks as good as yours!!

@Tank Girl, @Scotty87,

I'm glad this thread is inspiring for you (work on-going, I wonder if I should keep up this 'photo-diary' of my tank)?

You are a bit of reassurance to me as you have a decent number of fish
Yep, & I don't think it is close to being fully stocked yet..... :rolleyes:

go on 2 holidays
You don't HONESTLY expect sympathy do you?!?!?!?!?! :look:

Andy thankyou!!! Like i said was feeling a bit fed up about it but you have spurred me on again!! Some people on here have such conflicting advice and the standard answer for everything seems to be you've overstocked! I shall be restoking and redesigning my Jewul 60 too!! Kara
Rar! :good:

BTW I only keep fish in my tank and not the extra "1x Wife, 2x Kids, 1x horse and finally, 3 bone idle cats...." as my siggy may suggest. :D

A max-ish 24" (fully grown) total fish length I reckon....

BTW if you want MEGA inspiration check the Aquascapes on this site...

Site looks pretty boring until you browse through it and suddenly you are presented with some awe-inspiring tanks. Make sure you take note of the SIZE of the tank. Some of them I saw and thought 'Gordon Bennet!!!' and THEN I spotted the fact that of these some tanks were the same size as my tank!

This is where I got MY inspiration from!

Cool thanks for that! Will have a look. Was that a bit out of order?? Sorry just an impression I got, lets hope i'll be proved wrong! :p Will let you know how it goes! Kara PS- a tank containing wife, kids, horse and cats might be a novel idea!! haha :D
Well that is a very nice looking tank you have there. I must say it is great to see someone who is as dedicated as you to learn more and better your tank. Hope you keep on posting pictures of how the tank will look in the future :good:

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