A Newbie, But A Silly Question


New Member
May 10, 2008
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Hello all,

This might sound a dumb question but, I have had an aquarium set up for a few weeks and i am struggling.

I have been looking everywhere for a decent drink for my fish. I have found loads of foods, but no nutritional drink for them. The lad in the fish shop is a useless form of info, and in all the books I cant find any reference to this.

I put some Robinsons orange squash in and they all died. Stupidly I gave them the full sugar version and realised that fish dont really need that much sugar, so a litre bottle was probably too much.

I then put some sugar free "tesco finest" whole orange juice in. A few of the fish died, but all the orange bits clogged up my Eheim filter. My angel fish started shivering and turned a funny colour, so I presume the acid content is too much for them, so I put in some tea bags to neutralise the orange and I lost even more fish.

Can anyone help please?
Woah sh#t, is this a wind up!?

well, yes, thats generaly what trolls do :shifty: take a look [topic="31153"]here[/topic] for a definition

taken from that thread

For many years, Usenet was the dominant form of online communication. It defined 'trolling' in three ways:

... a posting designed to attract predictable responses or 'flames'; or, the post itself. Derives from the phrase 'trolling for newbies' which in turn comes from mainstream 'trolling', a style of fishing in which one trails bait through a likely spot hoping for a bite. The well-constructed troll is a post that induces lots of newbies and flamers to make themselves look even more clueless than they already do, while subtly conveying to the more savvy and experienced that it is in fact a deliberate troll. If you don't fall for the joke, you get to be in on it.

All the best
Only used red bull ONCE... light fittings were full of guppies for weeks.

Sorry guys, I thought you might be able to help me. Can someone please give me some serious advise?

Thank you
maybe they would have managed better with a straw????

you have to be jokin right?? fish dont drink juice, beer,tea,coffee, or anything else like that,

something needs locking up here, oh yeah the thread
I put some Robinsons orange squash in and they all died. Stupidly I gave them the full sugar version and realised that fish dont really need that much sugar, so a litre bottle was probably too much.

I then put some sugar free "tesco finest" whole orange juice in. A few of the fish died, but all the orange bits clogged up my Eheim filter. My angel fish started shivering and turned a funny colour, so I presume the acid content is too much for them, so I put in some tea bags to neutralise the orange and I lost even more fish.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Surely you must be joking? you can't find any references because it doesn't exist so the lad may not be so 'useless' at all!

To answer your question, you don't add anything to the water unless it is produced specifically for fish
I put some Robinsons orange squash in and they all died. Stupidly I gave them the full sugar version and realised that fish dont really need that much sugar, so a litre bottle was probably too much.

I think the problem might be using orange squash. Fish dont like oranges. FACT! They keep choking on the pips and don't like getting sticky fingers when they peel them.

Try again with black current and see what happens

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