Hey just a quick reply as I walk back from the gym! a story I'll tell wen I get back!! And answer your questions and thank you for your kind words (blatantly just being kind after my tragedy!! it's not that great!!
I have about 20 dead bristle worms, 1000's of live ones! Wat will eat them? Will they eat their dead?
I knew there was a decent excuse out there for my lack of aquascaping ability and now i have it. "It's not my fault I got the wrong shaped rocks". Looks really good and really like the pheonix metaphor.
Day 3 - lossing the other gorgonian rapidly! my prickly pink coral also looks dead and my maze is looking a bit off colour. The acans and hammer are looking great though!!
Sorgan - I've been to my LFS and shotgunned a new gorg! The purple red one!! !! Need an ID. Took a photo there so will get it on ASAP!
Stats are as follows:
Amm - 1.0
Ph - 8.4
Nitrates - 20
Nitrites - 0
Sal 1.025