A New Round of.. Name Those Corals!!


Oct 25, 2004
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I was at the LFS earlier, and I saw this bunch. The keeper ensured me it'll be good for my tank. He named them, but stupid me didnt write them down and I forgots what they're called. So.. here's my pic, numbered for your convience. (6 corals for only 100 US Dollars, cheap when 3 of them are 60 bucks each!)

Name them and give me some knowledge on them please? One of them was closed when i took them and I think they are some sort of button polyps. (#5)

no, its sold as a pack, not individuals. The receipt just says "SF Invertabrates" I know that much!
Well thats the extent of my help lol. I know my lfs lists them by name on the receipt :)

Sure someone here knows though.
Some of these could be wrong but to me they look like:
1- anthelia
2- some sort of polyps
3- some sort of soft finger coral
4- hard to tell- maybe clavularia, or star polyps (what do they look like when closed?)
5- look sort of like closed up zoanthids
6- mushroom

All suitable for you tank in my experience.
ok, at least I know the gist, I can do some research to find out.

and #4 when closed looks like little nubs. tiny little bumps and nothing more
I agree with Ed - the polyps look like regular ol' brown polyps to me :) I've got some and they're nice little corals! Zoanthids are really nice when they open up!
okay for my two cents

#1 looks like a GLOVE polyp (mine are more white)
#2 brown button polyps
#3 maybe the begining of a spaghetti finger leather
#4 satr polyps
#5 zo's
#6 mushroom
Thanks for your help :D In my research, one of them is agressive, the others are peaceful to semi agressive. Is it ok to keep them all together like that on the rock?

Will they eventually spread out? I also read that one would spread out (forgot which) in a well established tank.

Can you tell me abit more about them that Liveaquaria did not say? I have medium to high waterflow on them, and the two lights required. I have marine snow and the microphyton (whatever its called) to feed them.

Oh, my crab just walks over the polyps. they're rarely open because of this. Is it ok for the crab to walk over them like that?
me personally I would spread them out. this way you get more coverage in your tank. The brown polpys will grow fast as will the star polyps. The finger leather I think is the aggressive one, so I would move it away from others. The zo's place them close to a rock so when the continue to grow they will just move on over to that rock as well.

I have medium to lower current on my glove, and finger leather. for the rest I have a pretty good flow on them. the stars I placed on the bottom of the tank, the glove half way up the tank, brown upper part of the tank, mushrooms on the sand, finger leather upper part of the tank.
I do want to spread them out but how can I if they're all attatched to one rock?
for me when I split corals on the same rock I take them and put them in a bowl of water from the tank. I use a plastic bowl. then i take a straight edge screw driver, place in on the rock that sperates each coral, then i hit it with a hammer. this should split the coral and the rock its sitting on from the main rock. do this as many times as needed.

now when you reposition these corals you need to make sure they have enough rock adjacent/up against them to continue to grow and spread out, such as the mushrooms, and polpys. they should already have a good base since they are attached to the rock you bought them on. the rock will just be seperated by you, and each piece of rock will have its coresponding coral that attached to it.

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