A New Q About Dwarf Puffer

i think i just need to give up

ive been trying to grow snails in bottles and i got at least 20 snails (all types) mostly common pond snail

and all of them are dead

the only thing i can think of that killed them are metals that i seem to have in my tap....

i also tryed rainwater bc of that ...

now there are just 2 that are barely alive and they have climed out of the water and are not moving :(

Snails do best in filtered water, just like fish.

In your situation, I would consider buying a breeding trap, hanging it in the tank, and putting some snails in. It might drive the puffer a bit cuckoo trying to eat the ones he could see though, so I'd get a plastic one rather than a net one.
yes i thought about that but none of the snails made the water change they

some were in my fishtank water in a bottle

some were in rainwater bottles

some were just in one of my tanks

none survived

my gravel is contains metals for plants
and thats the reason they cant really live in my tanks

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