A new low. I can't believe it.


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
Well, because I've been blabbing it all over this forum, most ppl know i'm ready to start cycling my new 5 gallon hex tank for Amos. I was going to stop over to my lfs to pick up a scoop of gravel, but i just realized it's sunday and they're closed. SO... I called over to PetWorld (in Madison, WI - just for the record) to see if: 1) they have any ammonia in their store and 2) to ask them about putting the bacteria & ammonia in the tank on the same day. REGARDLESS of why I was calling, here's the conversation I had:

PetWorld: "Hello, Petworld!"
Me: "Hi, can I speak to someone in the fish department?"
PW: "Sure, hold on..."
PW: "Fishroom - can I help you?"
Me: "Hi - i'm in the process of starting a fishless cycle on a 5 gallon tank for my betta and I was wondering if you guys would be able to provide me with a scoop of gravel to introduce bacteria into the tank."
PW "Well, ma'am, I'd have to say that you shouldn't put your betta into that large of a tank. They actually prefer to be in smaller containers. They are by nature very nervous and self-protective so they like to be in smaller containers, preferrably little plastic cups and the more room you give them the more stressed out they'll be."

- Several moments of silence -

PW: "Ma'am?"
Me: "I can not believe you just said that."
PW: "Said what?"
Me: "That bettas prefer to live in little cups. YOU could live in a walk-in closet, but would you LIKE to?"
PW: "Well, I HAVE worked at this store for 2 years, and this is what my boss has instructed me that they like."
Me: "Well, you should really consider a different profession because you obviously don't know what you're talking about when it comes to bettas - I can NOT BELIEVE YOU THINK THAT" *sidenote - I was on the virge of tears by this time, and he could tell
PW: "Ma'am, I don't think you should be this upset."
Me: "Yes I SHOULD, I'm very upset by this because you are probably passing this information on to your customers, and therefore leading to unhappy, unhealthy lives for many bettas."
PW:"Well, bettas in the wild live in little rice...." (I cut him off at this point)
Me: "I own 3 bettas and have actually taken the time to study & research what makes them happy and how to go about that the right way. Maybe you should go back to your boss about what you've just been told by me and reconsider. Then go do some homework on the web, books, wherever - just READ up on them. I'm never coming to your store again. Bye"

5 minutes later I called back and asked to speak to a manager.
She gave me the same speech- told me that a betta could be kept in, well, ANY size container, really, and that if someone wanted to keep one in a plastic cup, that was OKAY. I told her it was not MORALLY okay, then asked her if she had children and asked if she thought it'd be okay if her child were forced to live in a closet.

I'm SO very angry right now I could cry. (Well, I did cry)
I'd like to ask everyone I know to call that store and tell them that they're doing something VERY wrong, except most people I know around here aren't really that interested in fish so it would be pointless.

MAN i'm mad. :grr:
Just to clarify,if you DO get some good bacteria in a bag,you will NOT need to use ammonia. It's a one or the other kind of thing. Get some bacteria and plop your fish in,OR get some ammonia and wait patiently by your tank for a couple of weeks while the cycle happens then add your fish.

If your lfs is a home based shop they should be glad to help you out. I bet Amos will be cruising his tank by tomorrow ;)
thank u its a bird its a plan its betta momma woman the betta saving super hero now avalable in action figure and posters!!!! :p :rofl:
Or how about this one:

Customer:"My betta has ripped fins, can I get any medicine to fix this? Is he ill?"
Pet employee:"Well when a betta's fins are all ripped and spread apart that means he is very healthy."

:crazy: I wanted to smack her. :grr:

Oh and I told them I had a male betta in a 10 gallon and they said it would die from such a strong current and stuff like that. You'll never know how active and how much personality a betta really has unless you put it in atleast a 3-5 gallon so it can actually swim around. Mine is in a 10 gallon with a few ghost shrimp and he LOVES to dart around the tank and has so much personality.

I am glad you told them how you feel though . :thumbs:
Yea, you gotta love their logic: smaller spaces dirty quicker, are hard to heat, and provide no exersize room or behavioral enrichment so surely those conditions are best! Bloody fools.
A friend of mine has each of her bettas in 10 gallons and they're as happy and healthy as can be. As long as you have a mild filter, they're A-OK. Mine are all in 5's for now because my apartment doesn't allow larger ::grumbles:: but all of my future bettas are going in 10's because I know that if they were any other fish of an equal size, I'd provide at LEAST that much space.
I know not everyone can do that, of course, but suggesting that cups are best? These people really know nothing about fish care, whatsoever. I'm far from an expert myself but I think anyone with a lick of sense would be able to figure this one out.
Go betta momma for standing up for the fishes. :thumbs:
I agree with you, but I do have one thing to say.

You shoulnd't get to upset over these people. It is not good for your health. To much stress.

the fish need you! You dont want to get stress sickness.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Well said Bettamomma its a shame there are,nt more people like you that Will complain on just how these Bettas are being treated. They just havent a clue, if u worked in a dog kennel you would have to know something about dogs same if u worked ina stable you would have to know something about horses. So why on earth dont these people that work in a aquaruim shop know something about fish, some of the stuff they come out with beggers belief !!!!!!!!!!.
Thanks for your support.

Sigh, I just went to WalMart (GOD only knows why) where I discovered a betta near death. I'm opening a new topic on that guy to see what his odds are if I bring him home.

Again, thanks for your support - I'm glad these people didn't have to deal with me face to face or i"d have probably been banned.
wuvmybetta - thanks for clearing that up.
I thought I had it all figured out, but that makes it SO much better.
Amos will be in his new tank tomorrow.
YAY!! :D

This also frees up my little 2.5 gallon tank (WHICH, I know I know - I promised it to someone else's fish), which is great news, because I might be rescuing a poor little fella with a severe case of dropsy from WalMart, IF the chance is there that I could save him. :/

Did I mention
Hey, RandomW....
you said you have your boys in 5 gallon tanks - do they have filters with current? how do your boys like them?

I'm afraid Amos' current might be a bit too much for him - I might try finding a way to slow it down a bit - he's been drifting all over the tank today and he seems to like it, but I'm afraid he's going to get exhausted and stress himself out.
what kind of filter is it? Where did you get the tank. A tank I had from petsmart, 5 gallons, had an internal filter, and a switch thing, to lower the current.
It's a 5 gallon hex Eclipse tank, with a Bio Wheel filter.
It doesn't seem to be slowing him down too much and he seems to be really happy, but I just feel bad for dumping him into that much current!

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