Mostly New Member
can zebra danio group of 5 live in 18 gallon tall and well planted and what else can i add to make it look full if i haft to i will do 25% water change evrey other day
Wouldn't be so good if the OP has hard water though...bluesword23516 said:Another cool thing would be some neon tetras, maybe 6. I think it should be large enough for them and you could do some shrimp and live plants.
got the dementions and stuffNinjouzata said:to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here.
No, they can't. While they are rather small in size they are extremely active so they are best in a 3-4ft long tank and groups of 6+. HERE is more information on them.
Your tank being tall is a bit harder to stock. Can you give the dimensions? Is your water soft or hard? Someone should be able to think of something that would work in there