Well this just sucks. Wie died a couple days ago. I tried everything to get that darn frog to eat..he just refused. I even bought a $5 bottle of Pedialyte to mix with his water to try and perk him up (by suggestion from a few frog boards I joined). The entire time I had him..he ate 1 wax worm..the rest he simply hopped away from

. I tried crickets of all shapes and sizes, chopped up earthworms, mealworms, and waxworms.
(I know $5 doesn't seem like alot..but I used it like 2 times and now it is just going to sit unused..cas it's the unflavored kind ad I don't have a baby. So it's just wasted money..which I hate.)
AND on top of That (if that isn't enough...)
(despite repeated attempts to sway my conclusion) Lin is hopping around the house (so I hope..I've got water bowls sat in every room just on the hope he finds one and doesn't dry out) somewhere.
I went to feed him the other morning and *poof* no more toad

. While I do NOT believe he could lift the cage top alone, then manage to climb out all at the same time...my son DECLARES he did not leave the top open..which it was closed when I came in to feed him...not that it means a thing. THat is still up for debate..and he is losing.
I can't even lift the cage lid with 2 fingers...so I find it hard to believe a 1 1/2 - 2" frog, that weighs less then a piece of 110lb weight card stock paper, could manage it, along with climb out at the same time (if you let go it snaps back shut).
So now I have no toadies **cries**.

I've looked everywhere for this toad...but my god there are so many places it could be though
