A Little Help


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Dunoon - UK
i have 2 firefish and 2 red empress's in one tank.

can anyone answer why they hide so much as i want to move them to my larger tank which is 71 g from their current tank 42 g,

but i dont want them moved if they'r just going to hide all the time.

p.s please tell me they dont.
i have 2 firefish and 2 red empress's in one tank.

can anyone answer why they hide so much as i want to move them to my larger tank which is 71 g from their current tank 42 g,

but i dont want them moved if they'r just going to hide all the time.

p.s please tell me they dont.

how long have they been in the tank?
Fish usually hide because they are stressed out. Poor water quality (ie: high nitrates are a common cause, as are ammonia or nitrite readings). Lack of hiding space, no picture or backing on the tank, low temperature and bullying from other fish will all cause fish to hide.

Make sure the water is good, do lots of water changes and increase aeration/ surface turbulence. Put a picture on the back of the tank if you don't have one. Watch the other fish for signs of aggression, and check the temperature.

If the tank is in a quiet room where no-one goes on a regular basis, they could be hiding whenever anyone enters the room. Moving the fish into a room with more people moving around it will often help fix the problem. If you can't move the fish into another room, then have a television on (no need to have the sound on) and the light and movement from the tv will often help settle the fish. An electric fan with some bits of paper or ribbon blowing about will do a similar thing.
oh thanks.
i have the picture on the back, the waters fine, but the tank is in the back room where none ever goes.

so i will move them to the kitchen where i mostly am
ehm thewanter in the is still if you get what i mean [just the filter blowing air in].
if i added say a bubble wall or bubble disk or something do you think that may help..?

i believe their is no real danger as they bred like 1 month ago [red empress]. but the father ate them :(
if i added say a bubble wall or bubble disk or something do you think that may help..?
it might but probably won't. If you can move the fish into another room where there is more people movement, they should settle down soon afterwards.

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