A Little Help Please


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
Central Virginia, USA
In order to add some chi to my worklife, I moved my small betta tank to my office. It displaced my crown tail for a couple of days as I cleaned out the tank and packed it up to move. While this was happening, Red was kept in a bowl, and then transferred to a cup with a lid for the trip. This all occurred between Saturday and Monday. The poor little fella is still stressed out; hanging out at the bottom, labored breathing, etc.

Any thoughts on what I can do to ease his stress. The water parameters are good, I'm keeping his light off so he can relax... I'm just not sure what else I can do for the little guy.

Could adding some stresscoat to his water help?

In order to add some chi to my worklife, I moved my small betta tank to my office. It displaced my crown tail for a couple of days as I cleaned out the tank and packed it up to move. While this was happening, Red was kept in a bowl, and then transferred to a cup with a lid for the trip. This all occurred between Saturday and Monday. The poor little fella is still stressed out; hanging out at the bottom, labored breathing, etc.

Any thoughts on what I can do to ease his stress. The water parameters are good, I'm keeping his light off so he can relax... I'm just not sure what else I can do for the little guy.

Keep it dark and quiet. Sometimes to much going on around them can stress a betta. Also watch him carefully, since stress can lead to illness. Maybe add a pinch of salt to his water.
Does he have some plants to float in? All mine like to sit and sleep in plants near the surface. If you can get one an Indian Almond Leaf would help too. And tbh I'd put the light on. Just keep him quiet as much as pos. I've also found melafix can perk them up if they're feeling down in the dumps. Try to keep his routine as close to normal as pos to avoid further stress. Best of luck.
Yup Indian Almond Leaf is good so he doesn't come down with something....but just clean water, lots of quiet and TLC. Talk to him a bit but just the peace and quiet is good. They're so intelligent and sensitive aren't they tho? Some bounce back quicker than others. It's pretty common to have them act this way after a change so just bear with him and he'l be good as new soon.
I'd like to thank everyone for their advice last week. Unfortunately, the stress was too much and Red passed away on Thursday. I felt so helpless as nothing I did alleviated his stress. :byebye:

But as many of you know, being without a betta is impossible. I have a new guy, a very large VT named Bubba. He's the largest betta I've ever owned, but he is healthy and happy. He's currently trying to build a bubble nest in the corner of his tank. :wub:

Thanks again for the advice, this board has been a wealth of information for me as I've cultivated by fish hobby.


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