A list of comunity fish?

mr_miagi32 said:
Yes, slightly less than 30 gallons though. Id say 26?

Why not add some cories or kuhlis, or something for the bottum, You could also possibly extend the schoal of tetras too.
113 liters = 30 US gallons = 25 Imperial gallons ;)
Your original post (and bobwumba's reply) can be found here.

EDIT: It's been brought to my attention that bobwumba's list of possible community fish looks like it was essentially cut and pasted from this website (no attribution given originally).

I'd be a bit cautious about using a list like this. A small clown loach and small pleco are asking for trouble, IMO. Thanks to Annastasia for pointing these things out to me :)
Bobwumba's list also included painted glassfish- presumably these are the very cruelly dyed glassfish which so many members want banned? On the orignal website they are said to be "handpainted"... :grr:
Curioser and curioser... That'll teach me to post a link without reviewing it carefully first :p I think another lesson (for me anyways :p) is that any list trying to generalize needs to be viewed with caution.

Since I'm looking anyways, the original website mistakenly posts a profile for the African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis) and not the Dwarf frog like they ought to have.

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