A list of comunity fish?


Fish Crazy
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
South Wales
Someone a while back answered my question on comunity fish by making a huge list of what could go in a comunity tank. Can someone or the same person do it again as my computer crashed and lost everything. :/
Im not that person, but livebearers, corys and the majority of tetras are all community fish.
I'd also like to add that althout some community fish are fine with the majority of other community fish, they are not with others.
Is there anything you want to get in particular?
Am i right in thinking 113litres is about 30gallons?
What are you planning to do with the common plec as he'll grow to 12inchs making your tank stocked to its limits eventually just with its curent residents?
You could put some corys or khuli loachs with your current fish for the mean time i suppose, you could also try your luck with a female betta too.
Yes, slightly less than 30 gallons though. Id say 26?

Why not add some cories or kuhlis, or something for the bottum, You could also possibly extend the schoal of tetras too.
oh oops meant to update my siggy, my plec went to a new home yesterday. I fancy getting some type of gourami but i know that some arn't community and some are, does anyone know which i can have? and how big they get to?
I bought some Sunset Gourami's, they grow to about 1-1.5" I believe. (Also called Honey gourami).

They're very nice looking fish and are entertaining to watch!

Have you thought about Rams?

You could always go for black widow tetras, cories, ottos, swordtails, clown loach (if you have room).... the list goes on but you can't go wrong with the sunsets and rams.

Good luck! :nod:

mollies-hardy but can be bullies
guppies-very colourful but are often inbred
platys-love them!cute,active an intersting
cories-the best bottomfeeder for small tanks.gets on with ANYTHING
swordtails-come in nice colours
tetras-nice shoaling fish but u have to b careful the fish they are with wont eat them!most need an established tank
danios-very hardy but need shoals of 5 or more
dwarf gourami are great for small tanks but can be very terrotrial

erm cant think of anything else off the top of my head!
I would recommend harlequin rasboras. I love to watch them as they glide together from one end to the other, about mid-way between the top and bottom.
Booboo puppy said:
I would recommend harlequin rasboras. I love to watch them as they glide together from one end to the other, about mid-way between the top and bottom.
i love the phantom tetras.best tetra IMO
If you have room i would suggest a red tailed black shark they r so cool to watch and help a lil with alga or a small school of rosy barbs they r very active fish

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