A Journal Of My First Marine Tank Done By A 13 Year Old.

No i have live rock, and i have coral rock. The live rock is the brownish purplish rock on the left hand island. Whats a cuc harry? Oh and hmmm, not sure bout having good live rock.
cuc = clean up crew :good: so what do you want in your tank? what shrimp? what snails? what hermits? maybe some kind of star fish/serpent star?
Well. Im getting some astrea snails. Then my brothers got a starfish of some kind cant remember what its called, but 1 of his fish is eating it (i cant remember what that fish is called either but its the one thats half yellow and half purple.) So we moving that over then im getting a cleaner shrimp and a fire shrimp or something, cant remember what its called but my bro sed i can have 2 shrimps cos my tanks so big. Then ummmmm, i think thats it. I also want an anenome (is that considered cleanup crew idk its considered an invert) and i want the anenome to sit on the plate i have made on the left hand island. So yea.........................
i have 2 shrimp in my tank and its only 125L +20L sump so its like 3 and a half times smaller than yours! so can i say that it would be a good idea to add a few peppermint shrimps? they eat aptasia. :good: (its a pest) they mainly hide so you dont see them much but they do eat aptasia so thats good. i dont know how many shrimps you can have in your tank but i know its more than 2.
i would also say you should add turbo snails,nassarius snails,cerith snails ans maybe some hermits :good: the nass and the cerith snails burrow under the sand bed and eats stuff in your sand keeping it clean :good:
Hi guys. I have been sick with a tummy bug the last few days so i havent been doing much, but i bought an RO/DI filter in the weekend, and thats pumping making water and in a few days i will have enough water to fill my tank. Once the water is in i will take some more pictures, but not much has changed as there isnt much more to do. So yea..... Any1 else have any questions??? THANKS :good:
Looks good but you may want to remove the link since it's against the rules...

I can't wait to set up a marine tank.

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