Fish Crazy
Hello all,
I am a bit of a fish addict, and have 3 fish tanks, a 528 gallon outdoor pond, and now i am getting a marine tank!!!! w000000t!!!!!! Its 140 gallons or something, (measures 1200x600x600mm) and i bought it third hand (2 previous owners) and the only reason i got it was cos i found it real cheap. It comes with a protein skimmer, the tank, the stand, the sump, and all the piping required for $300 ($210 US). Then i decided it would go into the family room so now my brother (19 years old) is helping me pay and set it up (im 13 btw) and my parents are also helping by buying the light which is like 340 US dollars or something. Then i can buy 30kgs of dead rock at US $3.50 per kg (which is almighty cheap!) and my parents are also helping me on that. So tomorrow i will be cleaning it, vacuuming it, and sorting out some doors for the stand as it doesnt have any on it at the moment. So my brother is a bit of a pro with marine tanks, so all of the cycling etc he will take care of (with my help of course). So i wanted to know what my stocking plan is like. How many fish can i get. I know for sure i want a pair of black (yes thats right) clownfish. On black ones if you havent seen them before they are just black and white no orange. Then i want maybe a purple and yellow tang its just they are EXPENSIVE AZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure what else i want. Oh maybe a cleaner or boxer shrimp. And chromis maybe. What are your guys opinions. I will post some pictures tomorrow if i can figure out how to put them into my post, and ill do before and after the clean.
Help, questions, comments, anything, please bring them forward.
Pics of my tank during the cleanup of the tank itself. PS: Sorry some of the pictures are sideways, just turn your head
This is just a picture of the side of the stand (you can see the sump next to it) im just illustrating how dirty it is!
Ok i have no finished cleaning up the tank, pictures may not be much different but in real life its a massive difference having clean glass.
I am a bit of a fish addict, and have 3 fish tanks, a 528 gallon outdoor pond, and now i am getting a marine tank!!!! w000000t!!!!!! Its 140 gallons or something, (measures 1200x600x600mm) and i bought it third hand (2 previous owners) and the only reason i got it was cos i found it real cheap. It comes with a protein skimmer, the tank, the stand, the sump, and all the piping required for $300 ($210 US). Then i decided it would go into the family room so now my brother (19 years old) is helping me pay and set it up (im 13 btw) and my parents are also helping by buying the light which is like 340 US dollars or something. Then i can buy 30kgs of dead rock at US $3.50 per kg (which is almighty cheap!) and my parents are also helping me on that. So tomorrow i will be cleaning it, vacuuming it, and sorting out some doors for the stand as it doesnt have any on it at the moment. So my brother is a bit of a pro with marine tanks, so all of the cycling etc he will take care of (with my help of course). So i wanted to know what my stocking plan is like. How many fish can i get. I know for sure i want a pair of black (yes thats right) clownfish. On black ones if you havent seen them before they are just black and white no orange. Then i want maybe a purple and yellow tang its just they are EXPENSIVE AZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure what else i want. Oh maybe a cleaner or boxer shrimp. And chromis maybe. What are your guys opinions. I will post some pictures tomorrow if i can figure out how to put them into my post, and ill do before and after the clean.

Help, questions, comments, anything, please bring them forward.

Pics of my tank during the cleanup of the tank itself. PS: Sorry some of the pictures are sideways, just turn your head

This is just a picture of the side of the stand (you can see the sump next to it) im just illustrating how dirty it is!

Ok i have no finished cleaning up the tank, pictures may not be much different but in real life its a massive difference having clean glass.