A Green Rio

Your tank looks brilliant!! I really like the Vallis and the Rummy Nose Tetras, spot on :good:
What fretilizer, co2 do you use? Also are your lights standard rio 180.
Great tank.
Your tank looks brilliant!! I really like the Vallis and the Rummy Nose Tetras, spot on :good:
Cheers, can't beat schooling Rummys

What fretilizer, co2 do you use? Also are your lights standard rio 180.
Great tank.

Thanks.It came with T5 lighting, but i swapped that for T8 lighting unit (cheap 2nd hand Ebay), because there was way too much light for a non CO2 setup.

Jan-Sep no ferts or CO2.

Then a couple of months with Easycarbo & TPN+ to get rid of dose of BBA

Last 2 months no Easycarbo, now dosing once a week with 1/4 tsp KNO3 (potassium nitrate), 1/16tsp KH2PO4 (monopotassium phosphate) & 1/16tsp trace.

I reckon the tank was at its best in Nov, after 2 months of easycarbo & ferts, but it was getting expensive and didn't want to do 50% WC every week.I'm lazy & cheap

This seriously, looks absolutely amazing!
Neglected this tank for a bit, thinned it out, some plants worked, some didn''t.
Sometimes life just gets in the way.
Feel a rescape coming on.


I definately think that Juwel should use your tank as a marketing image for their Rio's. It really does look the bees knees mate, neglected or not!
I love it! :shout: There's something more natural about tanks like yours that grow around themselves and aren't entirely planned. Looks like a piece of river.
Looks fantastic, I dunno how I haven't spotted this thread sooner!

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