A good tank setup?


New Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Hello All,
Probaly been asked a thousand times and answered as many :) but here goes!
I am intersted in keepting Bettas. I have a community tank at the moment with some neons and other v small fish in, but i would like to get another tank for a betta. My question is this,
What is the best way to keep bettas with a view to breeding them?
Would it be the male that would be on his own?
Would i just keep a female in the community tank, or would i need a seperate tank for her?
I have read mixed views on whether bettas need a filter, Yes or no?
Thanks in advance and sorry to ask so much!
Q: What is the best way to keep bettas with a view to breeding them?

A: Basically as long as they are healty with a mixed diet of dry, frozen and live foods, they should be good for breeding.

Q: Would it be the male that would be on his own?

A: Yes. Can be kept with other fish, but not guppies or things that look like Betta's and not with fin nippers. But best to keep him alone.

Q: Would i just keep a female in the community tank, or would i need a seperate tank for

A: Female would probably be fine is a community tank. Just don't place a fish there which might hurt her.

Q: I have read mixed views on whether bettas need a filter, Yes or no?

A: They don't need a filter.

Q: Guess i will buy a book!

A: Save the money and buy a bigger tank and some bloodowrms :D
Any other questions, just post them here... usually you will get more advice. I think a lot of us have been pre-occupied with sick and dying fish lately. Darn weather.

:rip: Clipper :byebye:
Sorry to hear that, hope all the ill fish get better soon.
Well, all of mine are doing well now. Had to stop the salt for a bit when I ran out and could not get a new stock right away. But salt is now back in there water conditioning, and they are all looking much better.

Here is a site which I rely on a lot for my Betta keeping:

Wuv's pinned topic on betta breeding

This is a good post to read for breeding info. I'm not set up to do it myself at the moment but in a few years I'd like to start breeding HM's

I have 2 male Veil tails (AKA fishie mutts). I keep each in their own 2.5 gal mini bow with a whisper junior and a 7.5 watt heater. This is kind of overkill according to many people on this site (and not enough according to others). I keep them this way because 1) you can easily heat 2+ gallons and my house is really cold otherwise. It can be dangerous to heat anything smaller than 2gal. 2) the filters keep me from having to change the water ever other day but still dont cause too much surface disturbance. My boys regularly build me lovely bubble nests :wub: They dont NEED a filter but it makes my life as a nursing student with countless study hours a bit easier. I still do waterchanges once or twice a week.

Read lots of wuvmybetta's topics. She breeds bettas and has lots of good info. Actually there are lots of people on this forum with lots of great info. If you dont get the response you need just go snooping around and you should be able to find a topic somewhere with the info you need

:D Emmie

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