A Game

There are approximately 36 species of cats existing in the world today.

There are 41 cat breeds that are accepted by the Cat Fanciers Association.

There are more than 360 species of sharks.

It is believed that a cats purring is a result of rhythmic impulses to the larynx.

A cat can reflexively twist its body and right itself using its acute sense of balance and flexibility.

The cat has been living in close association with humans for somewhere between 3,500 and 8,000 years.

That's all I can think of right now...
Despite it's beautiful looks the flesh of the blue tang fish is actually poisonous to both humans and other fish.
And now for a non fish............

The coconut crab can climb trees up to 6m/ 19ft high to get coconuts from the top of the palm tree.
there is no insect that lives in the sea, none what so ever. spiders do but then spiders are not insects.
this is belived to be because there is no pollen in the ocean (well oceanic pollen not land pollen that has become swamped)

oh and the above poster, many reef fish are poisonous because they have a build up of toxins that come from dinoflagellates, a kind of plankton that lives on reefs.
To the above poster, You are correct, Spiders are not insects they are arachnids.

Erm my facts are...

Gaboon vipers have the longest fangs of any venomous snake.

When spoken to, horses distinguish tones rather than particular words.

Horses have 2 blind spots. One is directly behind them and the other is directly in front of them.
Shoaling and schooling are not the same thing:

Shoaling is where the fish swim independently, but in a way that they're all together in a social group.

Schooling is where the fish swim in the same direction in a coordinated way in a small group.
During a full moon you can actually see more than 50% of the moons face, this is due to a slight wobble that actually means roughly 59% of the surface can be seen over a night.
Eskimos use refrigerators to stop their food from freezing.

Every person has a different tongue print the same way we have different finger prints.
If you inject an Axolotl With iodine it will turn into a Salamander.

Also they are pretty much completley made of Stem Cell's so if you cut an arm off it would grow it back.

Scientists study these little guys alot to try and find ways to cure different issues & replicate the same behavior in humans.
More than 50% of all the creatures brought up from the dep sea by scientists are unknown species

If you place a sole on a chessboard it will take just 4 minutes for it to change its body colour to match the square pattern on the board.

The collective name for a school/shoal of herring is a siege. Herring fart but mostly at night, and as a form of communication, and their flatulance caused the officals in Sweden to think they were being invaded by submarines, possibly from Russia.
Also they are pretty much completley made of Stem Cell's so if you cut an arm off it would grow it back.

I practically already said that...

Paradise fish brighten in colour when breeding.

I know that's not a very good fact but it's one I have observed and the change is incredible!

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