A Fun Topic!

Ooo - that's too tough to call! My Ceylon Puffer (will find picture) is very cool. In the wild it's definatley the Blue Whale! :D I am also a fan of most of the marine Damselfish.
I was at the georgia aquarium a few weeks ago, and wow, are the whale sharks huge. The biggest was 18 feet long, and they believe it will get to 32 feet in captivily. The aquarium staff said that there are stories of 60 foot long whale sharks.

As far as my favorite, I have an angel that has really become like a pet to me. He's excited to see me, watches me as I move around, begs for food, etc. And he's only about 3 months old.
Plecs. Plecs plecs and more plecs. And cories. And brochis. And some more plecs.

Incidentally, I know it's a fun thread, but why not just bump back up one of the many many other "what's your favourite fish?" threads? The boss-guys have to pay for the board space, we dont ;)

Thats what sponsers are for. :D
hmmm I dont know, ether goldfish or bettas! Both are awsome! I use to have a ton of goldfish and right now i have four bettas, ive had 5 other bettas as well.
the blue marlin and the barracuda


look at those badboys :good:
Definately Oscars! Personality wise you gotta love the big brutes, oops I meant big babies! :lol:
South American Cichlid's ;All of them really but if I had to pick on personal experience it would be angelfish.They are bossy but at the same time very elegant and tend to watch you as much as you watch them!
Angelfish, most definatley number one.


the boyfriend's 1-eyed oscar, DOOM. he's beautiful. is number two. (he's much bigger now. :) )
I'm stuck on Bettas--they're so lovable and personable. Mine puts his snout up against the glass to meet my nose up against the other side---So cute!! I'm still discovering the fish world, too, and the variety amazes me.

-Wendy :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

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