A Fun Topic!


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2005
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I am making this topic just for fun and it will be great to have everyone participate. In this topic, everyone can tell us what their favorite fish is. Pictures would be GREAT! But if you are unable to get pictures, you can just tell us what your favorite fish is. I hope everyone participates and i hope everyone has fun!

the pajama cardinal

Its like 3 fish in 1 :D
Hey, I'm partial to a nice piece of haddock :yahoo: sorry!
Plecs. Plecs plecs and more plecs. And cories. And brochis. And some more plecs.

Incidentally, I know it's a fun thread, but why not just bump back up one of the many many other "what's your favourite fish?" threads? The boss-guys have to pay for the board space, we dont ;)
Thats difficult,
It would have to be the Mbu puffer, the Oscar and the Clown loach,
just because of their great characters and friendlyness towards
their owners.

haha i like pearlscales too and balloon mollies and cardinal tetras and bettas... there are too many!

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