A fish story...newbie adventure in fish keeping


Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2005
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Let me tell you a story. This is the story of a newbie that thought she knew everything…and the tank that forgave her for it. *grin*

Okay, I'm 24 years old, now. The last time I had a tank, I was thirteen, I think. I probably kept it going by the skin of my teeth since I didn't know anything about cycling, and I believe I was using chemicals to keep my ammonia levels down. Heh...we live, we learn. Needless to say, I got tired of cleaning bad algae off the walls and losing fish to chemical spikes I wasn't aware of and gave up after around a year. Of course, even then, I had a raging case of MTS, but no funds to support it. Probably a good thing too. Who knows how many fish I might have killed before I caught a clue.

For 11 years, the MTS has lain dormant, only rearing its ugly head every now and again...and then...I saw the bettas at the pet store, so did my friend who lives with me, and it went downhill from there. With fundage available, I caved. I now have a little ten gallon tank sitting in my bedroom and have my eye on a beautiful 90 gallon at my LFS. *drools*

I'll be honest, though. With this tank, I've probably made every newbie mistake in the book. *sigh* I set it up, get my fish, and THEN do my research. Not to mention, as a clueless newbie, I’m working with one of the smallest community tanks on the market. Go fig. When I mess up, I do it right. Check this out:

Let's see, first mistake...obtained tank on a whim. Me and my friend spotted some bettas at the store and started drooling. Anyone who doesn't drool over a richly colored betta has issues. I swear. He remembered having one once, one that his parents, in ignorance, killed in two days. *sniff* So, I...remembering having had a tank previously, and feeling like an expert...decide we need a tank and I know everything. At least I did one thing right. I never had any intention of keeping my poor betta in anything less than five gallons of water.

So, I locate an inexpensive ten gallon tank at Wal-Mart, take it home, set it up and let it run. At least I remembered to dechlorinate the water. I also know, at least, that bettas need to be one male to a tank. I was uncertain if they could handle other community fish, but I thought I remembered that they could...and that ten gallon would be soooo empty with just a betta. Heh...

A little research told me that bettas can live with other community fish, as long as they're not aggressive. That's fine. I dun like the aggressive types anyway. So, less than a day after the tank is set up, I promptly buy six neon tetras, a dojo loach, a common pleco, and a betta...for a ten gallon tank...that hasn't been cycled. Yeah. I know. Not too bright. I did get some live plants, though. I think that was a smart move.

So, I bring my new residents home...sans betta. He was on order. I went high class with him and got a crown tail. Mmmm...so purdy... Anyway... Nice, clean tank. I add plants. (rocks were already set up) I float fish, add water gradually 'cause my PH is kinda high, then set them loose. The next day, I lose a neon. Probably to shock. Actually it disappeared overnight. I suspect the dojo loach ate it. They eat everything. So, being the clueless newbie I am at this point...(this is three weeks ago)...I go out and buy this adorable two inch bala shark that I have no idea has the potential to become a twelve inch giant. Good one.

Finally, after fully stocking my tank (okay, so it's technically over-stocked. I'm working on that), I sit down at my computer and do some research.

Let's see...cycling a tank. Doing what with a tank? I don't remember anything about cycling...what in the world?? About an hour later, realization dawns. I've screwed up. I have a fully stocked, uncycled tank, with neons and a common pleco which are both susceptible to ammonia. Oops.

Okay...calm down. We can handle this. More reading. Water changes, test kits, bacteria cultures... At this point, I am thanking my lucky stars that biology is one of my strong points and I actually understand the purpose of the nitrogen cycle...and how it works, for the most part. Biggest problem, me and my friend are both weird...we have already named all the fish and gotten a bit attached to them. Not the wisest idea, I'm sure, but nonetheless, we did it. Now, a truly responsible pet owner would probably take all those fish back to the store and exchange them for a couple of danios to cycle the tank with. But...but...they're my FRIENDS!!! I can't just give them back! (Besides, I hate being wrong.) So, I decide I'm going to cycle this tank with a full load and pull it off. Yeah...good luck, right? (At this point, I am not aware that even if the fish survive, it can affect their health for the rest of their lives. That came AFTER the fact. *sigh*)

So, the next day, I go to my IFS to pick up Damien, my betta. While there, I obtain an ammonia and NitrIte test kit. Home again. Float the betta, test the water. No ammonia or Nitrite. It’s been three days since I tossed the first fish in. Not bad. Maybe it’ll stay that way… Yeah, and maybe the neons will grow lungs and wings so they can escape the high ammonia levels coming up. Yes. I did know better, but at least they weren’t gasping yet.

So, I monitor. I watch how much I feed and three days later, test again. Ammonia levels going up, but not too bad. About .5, so I leave it alone. The bacteria has to have something to eat in order to develop. Three days later, test again. Ammonia levels much higher, almost 5.0, but we’ve got some Nitrite. This is a good sign, and bad on the ammonia. Do a 20% water change and continue monitoring. So far everyone is doing okay. They’re active and alert, although my betta eats flake food before he’ll eat tubifex worms. Weirdo. Keep monitoring. With ammonia levels going up, I start testing every day and small water changes every other day. Ammonia levels stay high, but Nitrite levels start going up more. The fish are still alert, active, and eating well. So far so good.

Finally, two weeks after I realize my mistake, ammonia levels start dropping. First back to .75, then to .25. Yay!!!! All five neons and the pleco made it through and look pretty healthy. The loach, betta, and shark don’t seem to have felt anything. My Nitrite levels are very high still, but I’m over one hurdle with everyone alive and looking pretty healthy. I’m feeling good…but I’m not out of the red yet.

More monitoring. Getting Nitrite levels down takes longer. Careful feeding and another water change…this one kinda big because the tank just needed cleaning. Test again three weeks after I start the tank. Ammonia levels are zero and Nitrite is almost at zero. Everyone is alive, alert and happy. Life is good and I realize I just cycled a tank with a full load of fish and kept everyone alive. I am so proud of myself!

Three weeks after I started, I have realized that I knew NOTHING, but I’m feeling a lot better, because I obviously learned something since the tank is successfully cycled and everyone’s alive and pretty well, actually. I have clear water, plants that are growing as if there’s no tomorrow. I’ve already had to trim two of them back and another one needs another trim. I’m going tomorrow to talk to my LFS about maybe taking the pleco and shark back because that tank just won’t hold them, and I really want to keep small fish in the big tank when I get it. If I put the shark in there, he’ll eat them eventually. Unacceptable. *sigh* I’m gonna miss him. He’s so lively… Maybe I can wait a little while since he’s only two inches long right now. Any recommendations on him, or ideas?

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