A Few Q's On Albino Corys


Live life, don't let it live you!
Feb 21, 2006
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Darlington, England, United Kingdom
Ok, I have 3 albino corys and would like to ask some questions on them (I know the basics).
1- How big do these fish grow at adult size? (I know it's quite small, they're not jumbo ones).
2- Mine don't seem to be schooling, is there anything I could do to get them used to each other or make them happier?
3- Do you think I should get 3 bronze corys to put in my 15G tank? (Tank mates; 4 Neon Tetras, 1x male 2x female guppys, BN pleco, 3 albino corys and a hillstream loach.
4- Could anyone please post a picture of the 'T' position, and do you think 3 albinos will breed in a community of the above fish?

Thanks in advance,
Hi Neal,

i can answer a few of your Qs,

my albino adults are between 2 and 2 half inches in size.

some times they swim together other times they dont, its no major concern.

I think your tank is quite well stocked already, with plenty of bottom dwellers.

Sorry ive not got a photo of the T position, but you could do a google search.

That's not actually stock that was a plan for the future, but still. Now I have 3 albinos, 4 neons, 2 rams, 2 danios and 2 mollies.

Ok, I have 3 albino corys and would like to ask some questions on them (I know the basics).
1- How big do these fish grow at adult size? (I know it's quite small, they're not jumbo ones).
2- Mine don't seem to be schooling, is there anything I could do to get them used to each other or make them happier?
3- Do you think I should get 3 bronze corys to put in my 15G tank? (Tank mates; 4 Neon Tetras, 1x male 2x female guppys, BN pleco, 3 albino corys and a hillstream loach.
4- Could anyone please post a picture of the 'T' position, and do you think 3 albinos will breed in a community of the above fish?

Thanks in advance,

ok let me try to answer your questions

1- 2-3 inches MAX

2- it's not a major concern, they will interact when they feel like it

3- i think the 3 albinos are good you don't want to overcrowd your bottom,

4- i don't know what the "T" position is as i have never, nor wanted to breed cories, at this point in time. chances are that the eggs will either get eaten by the other fish or the cories themselves. unless you remove the eggs. you would als oneed to know if you have a female or male and the best way to do that is size. females (i beleive) grow slightly larger. and you would probably need a bigger group to ensure that you really have both males and females without sexing. so i would wait until you get a larger tank so you could up the amount of cories in there.
Hi Neal,

Here's some pictures of my black C. aeneus in the T position. Your albinos will do the same, but your first clue that they are mature will probably be the appearance of eggs on the glass sides of your tank.



Afterward, the female will carry the eggs between her ventral fins:


When the time comes, albino corys will spawn no matter which fish they share a tank with, but there is a high probability that the other fish will eat the eggs if you do not remove them quickly. A better idea would be to set up a spawning tank for them.

I would also like to suggest not keeping the corys with rams or other cichlids. I understand that they might attack the defenseless corys.
Thanks Inchworm, so its like hes headbutting her side? (Oh and just a note, my female died) for no reason, she wasn't herself for the past few days... And I don't know what they are but I coudln't explain them (rams), they are like gourami sort of things, I got them off my brother and they don't bother anything. The only bullys in my tank are the mollies!


P.S One of my ram/gourami things is dying atm, it has a gill missing and it on the bottom of the tank breathing very heavily, it got attacked in my brothers tank hence why he gave it to me. I hope it pulls through, but it seems unlikely.

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