A Few Pics


New Member
Mar 20, 2007
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My partner and I have had fish for a few months now learning all the way
had a few nippers and a few problems
Heres a few pics
We have
Salafin Mollys
Balloon Mollys
Guppys(well its my surname so have to have them!!)
Dwarf gurami
sword tails
Emperor tetras
2x algae eaters
cheery barbs
golden barb

mainly the run of the mill stuff but we hope to branch out once we find our feet!
I browsed the how toos and other members pics first and myne are not that great!!!
Anyway will post tank pics once we find the camera! as we are just unpacking in our new home


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nice pictures :) thats alot of different types of fish :)
What is the size of your tank in gallons.

ive got 4 so there spread out

one is 90 ul litres so 19 uk gallons
two are 75 uk litres so 16 gallons
and got a 3ft long one which some will go into once its stable
i also keep a 75 litre one for any possible pregnant fish so theres useally around 4 in there at any one time.

thanks for the coments
I think your modest, they are excellent pictures, fish can be difficult to photograph sometimes as they move alot, good to see you have plenty of tanks, everyone gets MTS eventually, i started with 1 tank about a year ago and on thursday i just bought my 4th tank so now i got 4 tanks plus an little 3.5 gal spare. Once you've filled the 3 footer you will still want more lol
will get some full tank shots soon

thanks for the coments


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