A few newby questions

hi crookedfish
got your q about the shrimps. we have caridina japonica aka algae eating shrimp. we live in W4 london & got ours from maidenhead aquatics in syon park isleworth. i know maidenhead aq have loads of barnches so you may be able to find one closer to you. i think they cost about 65p & they wer'nt the ones outside the shop sold as food (river shrimp) but were inside. great little characters & fascinating to watch.....hillarious to see them having a tug of war with our pakistani loaches & barbs(100 times bigger) over an algae tab or pea(shrimps love em)............just keep your lid secure though we had a kamikazi who exited our tank on about his second night searching for????who knows & unfortunately wasnt found till the next day ...deceased :(
another shop tropicals& marines (mortlake/richmond) also had a couple last time we were there- brilliant shop well worth a visit all their tanks even the ones with fish in them for sale are lovely - have plants etc in them. they have a web site(as do maidenhead aquatics.
theres also some good web sites on the shrimps - try google.
ive pm'd you this info as well
By the way, if you do a fishless cycle, you can fully stock the tank afterwards. If you fishless cycle and only add a few fish, they won't produce enough waste to sustain the large bacterial colony you have built and when you eventually add more you'll have a mini cycle. This ~only~ applies to fishless cycling, if you are cycling with fish you must add them slowly and allow the tank to adjust before adding more.

Regarding stocking, i personally don't like the 1" per gallon rule because it is not gallons of water that determines your stocking limit, it is surface area. More surface area = more opportunity for air exchange = more fish, and the opposite is also true, less surface area = less fish. So a long tank can stock more fish safely than a high tank. This calculator can help you determine your ~maximum~ fishload as a beginner a little more accurately than the 1" per gallon.
Thanks for the info millym. I had a look on the web last night and found that they have a couple of shops a bit closer, so I will visit these.

Thanks for the info luxum, I did wonder how you stocked the tank after a fishless cycle with regard to keeping the bacteria collonies fed!

Another question for you peep's. What are platys like? A guy that I work with has got lots of platy fry (orang with the black tail type) that he is looking for a new home for. Do they get on with neon tetra, dwarf gourami, zebra danios and guppys (these are the fish I am thinking of stocking the tank with)?

Thanks for the help.

Platies get along with everything. They just go about their business (which is making babies and eating) and leave evrything else alone. Make sure you get a ratio of at least 2 females per male. HTH :)

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