A Few Begining Questions

I have always been a seat of the pants gardener. I generally used a substrate fert. that most do not and likely should not. But it was cheap and I got a decade+ supply a long time back in exchange for a few bags of lf bn. These are sticks I can cut into pieces and push into the substrate when and where needed. The when is generally about every 3 months or so. They are not made for aquarium use.
What I use isn't recommended for anyone who likes to rescape. You do not want to disturb them such that they leach into the water column as you will get a lesson in the meaning of algae real quick.
So how often you might add fertilizer and where depends on what you use and what you have.
smarch93 said:
 What's the most effective way to wipe down the leaves?
I find the best way to remove diatoms is to cut a thin strip off a clean wash-up sponge and run it gently over broad leaves and glass that are affected.  Be careful not to rub too hard or damage the leaves.  For rocks you can use a clean cheap toothbrush if the look of brown algae bother you.
Root ferts are replenished about every 3-4 months and water ferts I do weekly.
TwoTankAmin said:
Root ferts are replenished about every 3-4 months and water ferts I do weekly.
ok, i'll look into getting the water ferts.  Would those be like API leaf zone? or is that a more food-like thing?

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