I would have to say I agree with Feeshy, goldfish are messy buggers (moreso than plecs perhaps) and in a tank that small with 5 fish in there, unless you are massively overfiltering or doing water changes almost every day or other day the water quality will not be of that great quality. Don't forget the rule is 1" of fish for every gallon of water and the size that your fish can (and will get to) it is only a matter of time before they get bigger than this so my advice would be to really think about upgrading the tank / moving the fish because its not a case of IF you are going to have more problems ... it's a case of WHEN.
Well i wont be doing that im afraid cause i cant afford a water tester or that never mind upgrading a tank. Im a student in a small flat, only one room is mine, a small room, and i dont have any more room for anything bigger anyway. My filter works fine and i dont need to clean the water out every day. I vacuum it once a week, sometimes every 2 weeks depending on how busy i am and i clean the sides as well. I know all the rules, people tend to tell me them every time i post a topic here, no matter what im posting about. I cant say anymore than the answers i always give, i cant afford other equipment, tanks etc, i dont have any room, i keep the water clean, i know what clean water is supposed to be like, the fish are fine and healthy, i only originally asked how other peoples pearlscales swim and that my loach had died suddenly and i didnt know why. Thanks to those who actually answered my question, and thanks to those lecturing me with the same facts i get and see other people get on other posts.
Well no offense, but, maybe you should consider selling the fish and the tank if you need money. Honestly, I don't think you should have fish if you cant afford them.. sorry, but it's the truth and all of us over here are just looking out for the welfare of the fish and to educate the keeper.